Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.

Golden Eggs (ge)

Tip: For a list of particularly interesting Yubnub commands, check out Yubnub Golden Eggs. Also see the Most-Used Commands.
Tip: You can search the descriptions by typing "ls [word or phrase]". For example, to search for all commands about music, type "ls music".

NAME gallery - Displays all the jpeg files linked from a page. SYNOPSIS gallery [URL] EXAMPLES gallery http://www.hardeodcafe.com/Gallery2.htm Displays all the jpeg files linked from a page. Give this command an url and it will show all of the images that the url links to. Good for viewing all of the full sized images from a thumbnail page. NOTES This command will not work with all URLs. Some sites will prevent it from working. AUTHOR Allen Ormond - aormond (at) gmail (dot) com
2053 uses - Created 2006-06-06 00:38:37 - Last used 2024-04-27 11:50:02 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/gallery.php?url=%s

Can't stand it when you try downloading a file or clip but it plays instead. I got tired of retyping this echo command in every time I wanted to download a ".mov", so here you go! SYNTAX save [link to file] Takes your link and echos a hyperlink in which you can right click to save the target. Jake magicjj jjefferydesign.com
3726 uses - Created 2006-06-04 01:18:37 - Last used 2024-12-21 14:14:41 - Description - echo <a href="%s">Right click, then &quot;Save Target As ...&quot; (IE) or &quot;Save Link As ...&quot; (FF). </a>

delplaymp3 - stream an mp3 using the del.icio.us PlayTagger (more info here: http://del.icio.us/help/playtagger) This command will load a page that has a play button that lets you stream an mp3 and tag it in del.icio.us Usage: delplaymp3 [url of mp3] example: delplaymp3 http://www.nogu-svelo.ru/songs/SBS9.mp3 author: chicagosage b.a.
812 uses - Created 2006-02-14 17:34:45 - Last used 2022-01-21 00:44:09 - Description - echo <script type="text/javascript" src="http://del.icio.us/js/playtagger"></script><a href="%s">%s</a>[no url encoding]

Wikipedia page suitable for mobile SMS. Thanks to Allen Ormond.
511 uses - Created 2006-05-17 02:09:51 - Last used 2021-02-14 13:46:14 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/yn-wikipedia.php/.txt?xn_auth=no&length=160&input=%s

Super Image Search Google Images / Yahoo Images / Flickr >||;)
3424 uses - Created 2006-04-16 01:04:54 - Last used 2023-07-30 11:33:04 - Description - split {url[no url encoding] gim %s} {url[no url encoding] yim %s} {url[no url encoding] flickr %s}

Secure access to gmail
27299 uses - Created 2006-01-09 03:10:23 - Last used 2024-12-04 18:36:22 - Description - https://mail.google.com/mail

Replace uses PCRE via ReReplace.com to perform find/replace routines on text. Most useful for testing regular expressions or searching through a text document without the need for additional software. Example: regexp -f buy -r bye -t say buy -a replace Replace "buy" with "bye" in "say buy" regexp -f reg(?:ular)? ?exp?(?:ression)?s? -t regex regular expressions regexp Highlight the various names for regular expressions To use it, use the following switches: -f Search string (needle) -r Replaceme…
409 uses - Created 2006-05-09 13:52:45 - Last used 2024-07-17 00:23:17 - Description - http://rereplace.com/?q&f=${f}&r=${r}&text=${t}&opts=${o=impob}&action=${a=find}#results

Syntax: inspect {domain} Displays info about domain's A, NS, MX records + detailed report about the specified domain. Example: inspect yahoo.com
497 uses - Created 2006-04-21 07:19:25 - Last used 2012-11-25 21:24:58 - Description - mash %s dnsa dnsns dnsmx report

NAME eatFeed - Pull data out of a web feed (RSS,XML,etc). SYNOPSIS eatFeed [ELEMENTS] -url [FEED URL] EXAMPLES eatFeed items[0].link -url http://digg.com/rss/toplinks.xml Returns the url of the current top story on digg.com eatFeed items[2].description -url http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot Returns the description of the third story currently on slashdot. eatFeed items[4].title -url http://del.icio.us/rss/popular Returns the title of the fifth item on the del.icio.us list. Note that ite…
8006 uses - Created 2006-05-03 02:42:24 - Last used 2022-11-01 01:33:40 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/yn-opt.php?xn_auth=no&input=%s&url=${url}

NAME oconv - Convert outline data from one format to another SYNOPSIS oconv [OUTLINE DATA] -url [URL TO OUTLINE DATA] -as [FORMAT] -classes [CLASSES] -simplify [SIMPLIFY?] -urlfill [URLFILL?] -callback [CALLBACK] EXAMPLES oconv {explode 1,2,3,4 -as xoxo} -as opml convert the XOXO-style array 1,2,3,4 to OPML oconv -url http://bloglines.com/export?id=singpolyma -as xoxo convert bloglines OPML to XOXO oconv -url http://bloglines.com/export?id=singpolyma -as json [-callback x] convert bloglines OPM…
6621 uses - Created 2006-05-02 07:19:29 - Last used 2024-07-01 04:27:51 - Description - http://armknecht.com/xoxotools/outlineconvert.php?data=%s&url=${url}&output=${as=xoxo}&classes=${classes}&simplify=${simplify}&urlfill=${urlfill}&callback=${callback}

NAME cmd2rss - Generate RSS from the results of a YubNub command SYNOPSIS cmd2rss [YUBNUB COMMAND] EXAMPLES cmd2rss g test get an RSS feed for the results of the command 'g test' NOTES Only commands that have been set up with a RegExp using cmd2setup will work with this command. AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/
4052 uses - Created 2006-05-01 11:24:39 - Last used 2019-02-10 14:41:23 - Description - mkrss -get {url cmd2array %s} -title %s -url {url %s}

NAME cmd2array - Create an 'array' from the results of a YubNub command SYNOPSIS cmd2array [YUBNUB COMMAND] -as [ARRAY TYPE] -callback [CALLBACK] EXAMPLES cmd2array g test returns an XML-style 'array' of the results of the google search 'test' cmd2array g test -as xoxo returns an XOXO-style 'array' of the results of the google search 'test' cmd2array g test -as json [-callback x] returns an JSON-style 'array' of the results of the google search 'test' with optional JSONP callback x NOTES The co…
5363 uses - Created 2006-05-01 11:19:47 - Last used 2023-02-11 10:24:18 - Description - match -url {url %s} -pattern {cmd2setup {% 1 %s}} -capture auto -as ${as} -callback ${callback}

NAME cmd2setup - Store page-scraping RegExps for use with cmd2* functions SYNOPSIS cmd2setup [COMMAND NAME] -set [REGEXP] EXAMPLES cmd2setup g returns the RegExp for scraping results of command 'g' cmd2setup g -set /<p class=g>[^\f]*?<\/nobr>/ set the RegExp for command 'g' NOTES The regular expressions used here must be enclosed in a proper // pair whose contents are RegExp-safe (ie /'s escaped out as \/) AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/
4465 uses - Created 2006-05-01 10:57:18 - Last used 2013-05-24 05:56:59 - Description - var 71259E88-D8E7-11DA-B8F0-2840ABF316DD:%s -set ${set=do not set : tes ton od}

NAME cmdData - Returns data from a command's man page. EXAMPLES cmdData gim.url Returns the url of the gim command, "http://images.google.com/images?q=%s" cmdData eop.created.date Returns the date the eop command was created, "2006-04-02" cmdData match.parameters[4].name Returns "capture", which is the 5th parameter of the match command. Keep in mind that the 'parameters' array is zero-based. Parameters are in the order that they are first found in the command url. However, if the command has a…
1739 uses - Created 2006-05-02 03:40:05 - Last used 2023-04-24 07:24:16 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/yn-mandata.php?xn_auth=no&input={lcase %s}

NAME thnl - Web page Thumbnail Maker SYNOPSIS thnl [URL] EXAMPLES thnl http://www.google.com make a Thumbnail of [url] AUTHOR ZEGENVS
667 uses - Created 2006-04-27 14:49:16 - Last used 2023-05-15 17:01:26 - Description - http://img.simpleapi.net/small/%s[no url encoding]

NAME match - Run a RegExp pattern against a string SYNOPSIS match [STRING] [-url [URL FOR PAGE TO USE AS STRING]] -pattern [REGEXP PATTERN] -nbrmatches [RETURN NUMBER OF MATCHES?] -matchnbr [RETURN MATCH AT] -capture [CAPTURE?] -as [AS] -callback [CALLBACK] EXAMPLES match <div>hello</div>blah -pattern /<div>.*?<\/div>/ returns an XML-style 'array' with one element, '<div>hello</div>' match <div>hello</div>blah<div>hi</div> -pattern /<div>.*?<\/div>/ returns an XML-style 'array' with two element…
5706014 uses - Created 2006-04-26 07:40:22 - Last used 2024-09-23 17:19:04 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-match.php?xn_auth=no&string=%s&pattern=${pattern}&nbrmatches=${nbrmatches}&matchnbr=${matchnbr}&capture=${capture}&as=${as}&callback=${callback}&url=${url}

NAME ylist - A simple lists application built entirely with YubNub SYNOPSIS ylist [LIST NAME] EXAMPLES ylist tmp ylist is a simple web application built 100% with YubNub. All functionality is encapulated within YubNub commands! Just type ylist list-name and you will be presented with a page on which there is a form for adding/removing items from the list. Not the most useful app in the world, but this is cool! AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/
1543 uses - Created 2006-04-27 11:03:03 - Last used 2023-07-11 11:59:58 - Description - echo <h1>ylist %s</h1><ul>{var CE55FE36-D5D1-11DA-B35B-DD81D6839540:%s}</ul><form method="get" action="http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/form2yubnub.php?xn_auth=no"><div><input type="hidden" name="cmdstr" value="ylist %s%7Bdummy %7Bvar CE55FE36-D5D1-11DA-B35B-DD81D6839540:%s -set %7Bvar CE55FE36-D5D1-11DA-B35B-DD81D6839540:%s%7D<li>%25s</li>%7D%7D" />Add Item: <input type="text" name="%25s" /><input type="submit" value="Go" /></div></form> <form method="get" action="http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/form2yubnub.php?xn_auth=no"><div><input type="hidden" name="cmdstr" value="ylist %s%7Bdummy %7Bvar CE55FE36-D5D1-11DA-B35B-DD81D6839540:%s -set %7Bmatch %7Bridx &lt;ul&gt;%7Bvar CE55FE36-D5D1-11DA-B35B-DD81D6839540:%s%7D&lt;/ul&gt; -idx %25s -as xoxo%7D -pattern /&lt;ul class=&quot;xoxo&quot;&gt;(.*?)&lt;\/ul&gt;/ -capture 1 -matchnbr 1%7D%7D%7D" />Remove Item At: <input type="text" name="%25s" /><input type="submit" value="Go" /></div></form>[no url encoding]

NAME foreach - Loop through an 'array' and runs a YubNub command EXAMPLES foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} echos each array item 1, 2, 3, and 4 (as produced by explode) foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -cmd sum 1 echos each array item increased by one foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -cmd var tmp -set [|sum 1 %s|] sets var tmp to one greater than each array item, in order foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -as array gives back an XML-type 'array' with the elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 foreach {explode 1,2,3,4} -as array -type xox…
207531 uses - Created 2006-04-25 12:13:22 - Last used 2021-04-02 06:30:56 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-foreach.php?xn_auth=no&data=%s&cmd=${cmd=echo}&as=${as}&type=${type}&callback=${callback}

NAME explode - Explodes a string to an array in xml, xoxo, or json(p) format EXAMPLES explode 1,2,3,4 Returns XML-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1+2+3+4 -token + Returns XML-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1,2,3,4 -as xoxo Returns XOXO-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1,2,3,4 -as json Returns JSON-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 explode 1,2,3,4 -as json -callback x Returns JSONP-style 'array' with elements 1, 2, 3, and 4 using …
211559 uses - Created 2006-04-25 11:02:09 - Last used 2024-10-12 17:48:57 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-explode.php?xn_auth=no&data=%s&token=${token=,}&as=${as=xml}&callback=${callback}

NAME var - set and get temporary variables EXAMPLES var test -set hi sets the variable 'test' to 'hi' var test returns the contents of the variable 'test' AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/
22650 uses - Created 2006-04-24 16:22:18 - Last used 2023-06-27 07:38:02 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/singpolymaplay/yubnub-var.php?xn_auth=no&var=%s&set=${set=do not set : tes ton od}

NAME clc - Evaluates a mathematic expression EXAMPLES clc 1+1 clc ((pi*2)/6)+5 AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/ ========== Old implementation: {url[no url encoding] idx {explode {strRightRev {scrape -tokens <font size=%2B1><b> </b> -url {url g %s}} {strFind -find = -string {scrape -tokens <font size=%2B1><b> </b> -url {url g %s}}}} -token <space>} -idx 0}
1109 uses - Created 2006-04-24 17:13:53 - Last used 2023-10-11 04:30:45 - Description - stripHTML {idx {explode {match -url {url g %s} -pattern /<font size=.1><b>(.*?)<\/b>/ -capture 1 -matchnbr 1} -token =<space>} -idx 1}

NAME SideNub - An experimental YubNub sidebar. SYNOPSIS SideNub This command launches SideNub, an experimental YubNub sidebar. The sidebar keeps a history of commands used during the current session. You don't have to install anything to use SideNub, everything is done inside the browser. NOTES SideNub is an experiment in creating a web "app" that is contained within a single html document. You can use it directly or download a copy to your computer and access it locally. Open up the html file …
1290 uses - Created 2006-04-20 02:00:38 - Last used 2024-05-21 08:18:13 - Description - http://fromrocks.com/yubnub/sidenub/sidenub.html

NAME del2 - Access del.icio.us functions all with one command EXAMPLES Example: del2 Result: Go to del.icio.us tagcloud Example: del2 -tag TAG Result: Get recent del.icio.us items for TAG Example: del2 popular Result: Get recent popular del.icio.us items Example: del2 popular -tag TAG Result: Get recent popular del.icio.us items for TAG Example: del2 USER Result: Go to del.icio.us page for USER Example: del2 USER -tag TAG Result: Go to del.icio.us page for USER filtered by TAG Example: del2 url…
1977 uses - Created 2006-04-04 07:25:27 - Last used 2014-04-01 19:03:31 - Description - http://del.icio.us/{ifthen -value1 %s -value2 -test EQUAL -then tag -else %s}/${tag}{ifthen -value1 ${search} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else ?search=${search}}{ifthen -value1 ${url} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else ?url=${url}}{ifthen -value1 ${desc} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else &title=${desc}}{ifthen -value1 ${ext} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else &notes=${ext}}

NAME ifMatch - Searches a string for a match to a regular expression pattern and returns a value based on the result. SYNOPSIS ifMatch -pattern [REGEX PATTERN] -string [STRING] -then [RESULT IF MATCH] -else [RESULT IF NOT MATCH] -redirect [REDIRECT] EXAMPLES ifMatch -pattern /wor/ -string Hello world! -then yub -else nub (Returns "yub") ifMatch -pattern /Wor/i -string Hello world! -then yub -else nub (Returns "yub". The "i" indicates that the pattern is case insensitive) ifMatch -pattern /^wor/…
3074 uses - Created 2006-04-03 18:18:56 - Last used 2013-03-27 16:37:55 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/ifthen/regexp.php?pattern=${pattern}&string=${string}&then=${then}&els=${else}&redirect=${redirect=false}&xn_auth=no

NAME eop - Checks the value between two tokens in a string. If empty, nothing is returned. If not empty, the whole string is returned. SYNOPSIS eop [STRING] -else [VALUE IF EMPTY] -token [TOKEN VALUE (Default @)] EXAMPLES eop I like @monkeys@ (returns "I like monkeys") eop I like @@ (returns "") eop I like @@ -else Hello World! (returns "Hello World!") http://images.google.com/{eop images?q=@%s@} (If %s has a value, you are sent to http://images.google.com/images?q=%s, if it has no value you ar…
244652 uses - Created 2006-04-02 16:43:25 - Last used 2023-03-03 11:24:35 - Description - ifthen -value1 {strfind -find ${token=@}${token=@} -string %s} -value2 0 -test equal -then {strreplace -find ${token=@} -replace -string %s} -else ${else}

NAME gui - A graphical user interface (GUI) for YubNub commands. SYNOPSIS gui [YUNUB_COMMAND] EXAMPLES gui scrape gui change gui ifthen This command is the anti-YubNub. It takes any yubnub command name as a parameter and displays a graphical user interface (GUI) for it. Who needs command lines anyway?! AUTHOR Allen Ormond - aormond (at) gmail (dot) com Thanks to Sean O'Hagan, whose 'scrape' command is doing some behind the scenes work.
3324 uses - Created 2006-04-01 05:16:02 - Last used 2023-11-15 12:56:50 - Description - ifthen -value1 %s -value2 {scrape -tokens <h1> </h1> -dirs 0 0 -url http://www.yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s} -test NOTEQUAL -then http://www.yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=gui -else http://fromrocks.com/yubnub/abbreviate/gui.php?input=%s -redirect true

NAME mango - returns the YubNub manual page for a command if it exists, otherwise it returns the advanced "create a command" page. SYNOPSIS mango [POTENTIAL NEW YUBNUB COMMAND] EXAMPLES mango gim -returns the manual page for the "gim" command mango unusedYubNubcommand -returns the create a command page This is similar to the "man+" command, except for new commands it uses the "create2" advanced command creator. NOTES Thanks to Allen Ormond for the Create2 page. AUTHOR Chicagosage b.a. =========…
540 uses - Created 2006-03-30 15:56:12 - Last used 2024-01-15 05:25:55 - Description - ifthen -value1 %s -value2 {scrape -tokens <h1> </h1> -dirs 0 0 -url http://www.yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s} -test EQUAL -then http://www.yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s -else {url create2 %s} -redirect true

NAME param - Builds a YubNub parameter string. SYNOPSIS param [PARAMETER1;PARAMETER2;...] [VALUE1;VALUE2;...] EXAMPLES param find;replace;string pizza;hot dogs;I like pizza. (returns: -find pizza -replace hot dogs -string I like pizza.) param s;method hello;rot-13 (returns: hello world -method rot-13) This command accepts a string of parameter names and parameter values (seperated by semicolons) and returns a parameter string as it would need to be typed into YubNub. For instance, this command:…
2480 uses - Created 2006-03-31 01:25:44 - Last used 2016-01-12 07:58:00 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/abbreviate/param.php?input=%s&xn_auth=no

NAME abv - Execute a yubnub command without having to type parameter names. SYNOPSIS abv [COMMAND STRING] EXAMPLES abv ifthen abc;def;equal;yub;nub;false (Executes: ifthen -value1 abc -value2 def -test equal -then yub -else nub -redirect false) abv change Hello World;rot-13 (Executes: change Hello World -method rot-13) abv strreplace a;o;Banana Camera (Executes: strReplace -find a -replace o -string Banana Camera) This command accepts another yubnub command and its parameters in an abbreviated …
143 uses - Created 2006-03-30 07:05:22 - Last used 2024-02-19 14:41:27 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/yubscripts/abbreviate/abv.php?input=%s&xn_auth=no

NAME create2 - Create a new YubNub command. SYNOPSIS create2 [COMMAND_NAME] EXAMPLES create2 (sends you to a blank 'create2' form) create2 NewCommand (create a command with the name 'NewCommand') Make a YubNub command using an alternate interface. The main difference is that the new interface assists with creating more complete and consistant command descriptions. NOTES The create2 form is not an official YubNub site. Please contact me with any problems/suggestions. AUTHOR Allen Ormond - aormon…
1147 uses - Created 2006-03-30 04:49:26 - Last used 2022-09-20 08:28:09 - Description - ifthen -value1 1 -value2 {commandexists %s} -test EQUAL -then A command with that name already exists. -else http://fromrocks.com/yubnub/create2/create2.php?%s -redirect true

NAME change - encode and decode text using a number of different methods Note: The code isn't mine, I've only changed the Post method to Get and added the simple mode for use it inside other commands You can find the original code here: SNEAK: Snarkles.Net Encryption Assortment Kit v 1.27 http://snarkles.net/ SYNOPSIS change TEXT -method METHOD [-simple YES] Mandatory arguments: TEXT the string you want to convert -method METHOD the conversion method. Can be one of these: asc2bin - for ASCII to…
7701 uses - Created 2006-01-30 21:17:25 - Last used 2024-09-20 22:14:57 - Description - http://www.saraswaticlasses.net/yubnub/convert.php?text=%s&cryptmethod=${method}&submit=OK&simple=${simple=no}

NAME rotate - Rotates an image by a specified angle SYNOPSIS rotate [-u IMAGE_URL] [-r ROTATION_ANGLE] arguments: <IMAGE_URL> Specify the full image URL. eg. http://www.yubnub.org/images/yubnub.png png, gif, jpeg image types are recognized. <ROTATION_ANGLE> Specify the rotation angle (counter-clockwise) Negative angles allowed. EXAMPLES rotate -u http://www.yubnub.org/images/yubnub.png -r 180 rotate -u http://www.somewhere.com/image.jpg -r -45 NOTES Occasionally, there are some bizarre colour c…
295 uses - Created 2006-03-26 00:52:55 - Last used 2023-05-30 07:50:16 - Description - http://rotatetest.ning.com/imagerotate.php?u=${u}&r=${r}&xn_auth=no

Pixoh.com is an online picture editor. Use this command to visit the website, or to open an url in the editor. EXAMPLES pixoh (go to pixoh.com) pixoh http://www.google.com/intl/en/images/logo.gif (opens the URL in the pixoh editor) AUTHOR Allen Ormond - aormond (at) gmail (dot) com
211 uses - Created 2006-03-26 00:08:54 - Last used 2018-02-09 19:10:19 - Description - ifthen -value1 %s -value2 -test EQUAL -then http://pixoh.com/ -else http://open.pixoh.com/import?url=%s -redirect true

NAME man+ - returns the YubNub manual page for a command if it exists, otherwise it returns the "create a command" page. SYNOPSIS man+ [command to be checked] EXAMPLES man+ gim -returns the manual page for the "gim" command man+ unusedYubNubcommand -returns the create a command page AUTHOR chicagosage based on Allen Ormond's "commandexists" command. b.a.
147 uses - Created 2006-03-27 02:43:20 - Last used 2016-05-30 19:18:58 - Description - ifthen -value1 %s -value2 {scrape -tokens <h1> </h1> -dirs 0 0 -url http://www.yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s} -test EQUAL -then http://yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s -else http://yubnub.org/command/new?name=%s -redirect true

Displays the HTTP headers for the given URL. Example: headers http://google.com
421 uses - Created 2006-03-26 22:14:28 - Last used 2021-10-16 02:20:30 - Description - http://validator.w3.org/p3p/20020128/header.pl?mode=header&uri=%s

NAME MultiTab - Open several tabs SYNOPSIS MultiTab url1;url2;url3;... MultiTab command1;command2;command3;... MultiTab parameter1;parameter2;parameter3;... -cmd command EXAMPLES Multitab www.apple.com Open a new tab(useless because closes the current one) Multitab ipod;macbook;g5 -cmd froo Open several tabs with the same command but with different parameters MultiTab cars racer;hamar;norway -cmd flk Same as previous but with the multiword parameter "cars racer" (Stian, Do you want anything els…
1217 uses - Created 2006-03-18 18:26:08 - Last used 2019-11-01 11:41:06 - Description - open {strReplace -find ; -replace %7D;%7Burl+${cmd}+ -string %7Burl+${cmd}+%s%7D}

Create a note in Webnote ( http://www.aypwip.org/webnote/ ) usage: wnt [title] ex: wnt zoonim wnt hahanim wnt kimchi.recipes wnt kimchi.kinds mnemonic: WebNoTe --> WNT
566 uses - Created 2006-03-09 00:24:21 - Last used 2016-11-30 00:45:45 - Description - http://www.aypwip.org/webnote/%s

Get a random strip from the comic Pondus.
1270 uses - Created 2006-03-09 04:49:15 - Last used 2023-02-05 06:56:47 - Description - script var cd=new Date(); var fd=new Date(); fd.setFullYear(2001); fd.setMonth(8); fd.setDate(7); var cdmill=cd.getTime(); var fdmill=fd.getTime(); var diff=cdmill-fdmill; var nd=new Date(); var ndmill=Math.round(diff*Math.random())+fdmill; nd.setTime(ndmill); var month=nd.getMonth()+1; var day=nd.getDate(); if (month<10) month="0"+month; if (day<10) day="0"+day; document.write("<img src=http://my.opera.com/community/graphics/pondus/"+nd.getFullYear()+"/"+month+"/"+day+".gif><br><a href=http://www.yubnub.org/parser/parse?command=pondus>New random Pondus</a> | <a href=http://my.opera.com/community/pondus/>Go to todays Pondus</a> | <a href=http://www.yubnub.org>Go to YubNub</a>");

Run javascript. example: script alert("Yubnub is cool!") b.a.
10786 uses - Created 2006-01-26 18:52:44 - Last used 2024-10-30 06:56:49 - Description - echo <script language="javascript">%s</script>[no url encoding]

SYNOPSIS yubgrub SEARCHKEYWORDS(optional) -new SUBJECT(optional) EXAMPLE yubgrub Golden Eggs : searches through YubNub's Google Group for Golden Eggs. yubgrub -new YubNub is Rewiring My Thought Paths. : takes you to the Start New Topic page and puts "YubNub is Rewiring My Thought Paths." in the subject field. yubgrub : takes you to YubNub's Google Group homepage. I found YubNub's Google Group had no command so here's a simple stab at it. AUTHOR elzr.com
1761 uses - Created 2006-03-12 02:22:33 - Last used 2015-01-04 19:03:10 - Description - http://groups.google.com/group/YubNub/{ifEmpty -value ${new} -then {ifEmpty -value %s -then -else search?group=YubNub&q=%s&qt_g=1&searchnow=Search+this+group} -else post?&subject=${new}}

Do you have a tune in your head, but can't remember what tune it is? Search musipedia.org for music by specifying if the notes goes up, down or repeats. You don't have to be musical to use this search, as long as you can recognice whether a note is higher, lower or the same as another. Use a series of u's, d's and r's as an argument, where u=up, d=down and r=repeat. Use the command without arguments for more information. Example: musipedia rrrudrrrrrrrrrdrrrr Result (among others): Lennon-McCar…
409 uses - Created 2006-03-11 20:41:57 - Last used 2019-09-12 05:01:25 - Description - http://www.musipedia.org/{ifThen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then search.0.html?no_cache=1%26tx_mpsearch_pi1%5Bpc%5D=%s%26tx_mpsearch_pi1%5Bfiltertext%5D=%26tx_mpsearch_pi1%5Bsubmit_button%5D=Search -else pc.0.html}

Linux Man Pages online
1643 uses - Created 2006-03-06 10:07:59 - Last used 2024-12-19 07:39:57 - Description - http://man.he.net/?section=all&topic=%s

NAME similar -- find YubNub commands similar to a given command or a given URL. SYNOPSIS similar [URL or yubnub command] This command uses Eliazar's extractDomainName command to get the domain name for the input YubNub command or URL. It then does a YubNub "ls" command on that domain name to see if there are commands already created for that domain. This is useful for checking if there is a command already created for a website you want to search, or checking to see other commands similar to a …
1009 uses - Created 2006-03-03 21:40:09 - Last used 2024-01-14 19:07:51 - Description - ls {extractDomainName {url[no url encoding] %s}}[no url encoding]

Allows you to enter new events to your 30 Boxes calendar. Just enter 30b followed by your event and hit enter. Example: 30b lunch thursday 1pm
1314 uses - Created 2006-02-28 20:50:08 - Last used 2012-03-19 00:09:56 - Description - http://30boxes.com/index.php?action=newEvent&input=%s

Autorefreshes the given URL every minute. Great for monitoring changes to a webpage (or for viewing random Simpson's quotes) Examples: autorefresh http://digg.com autorefresh {url simpsons} autorefresh http://yubnub.org -t 20 The last example autorefreshes every 20 seconds.
1697 uses - Created 2006-02-19 23:26:15 - Last used 2024-02-20 02:19:16 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/autorefresh/autorefresh.php?url=%s&seconds=${t=60}

Search alt.comp.freeware.* with Google. alt.comp.freeware is an active group -- it's consistently a good place to find / research freeware. Example: freeware backup Returns a number of discussions on what is the best free backup software.
1023 uses - Created 2005-06-29 20:26:55 - Last used 2017-02-05 13:10:58 - Description - http://groups-beta.google.com/groups?as_q=%s&as_ugroup=alt.comp.freeware.*

Sets personal commands and memos in YubNub (aliases). SYNTAX !seta [command alias name] [url] (sets a command alias in YubNub (aliases)) WHAT IS YUBNUB (ALIASES)? YubNub (aliases) is an extension for YubNub allowing you to create your own commands, shortcuts, memos, etc. using a YubNub-based cookies system. HOW DO I USE YUBNUB (ALIASES)? YubNub (aliases) uses several YubNub commands to operate properly.In order to set a personal command, such as a bookmark command use the !set command as follo…
972 uses - Created 2006-02-02 23:05:03 - Last used 2023-05-07 13:18:47 - Description - http://www.jakeisgod.com/yubnub/aliases/jobactions.cfm?action=seta&cmd={% 1 %s}&ucmd={% 2- %s}[no url encoding]

Sets personal commands and memos in YubNub (aliases). SYNTAX !set [personal command name] [url] (sets a personal command in YubNub (aliases)) !set [memo name] [block of text] (sets a memo in YubNub (aliases)) WHAT IS YUBNUB (ALIASES)? YubNub (aliases) is an extension for YubNub allowing you to create your own commands, shortcuts, memos, etc. using a YubNub-based cookies system. HOW DO I USE YUBNUB (ALIASES)? YubNub (aliases) uses several YubNub commands to operate properly.In order to set a pe…
1873 uses - Created 2006-02-01 04:38:54 - Last used 2019-05-21 23:59:25 - Description - http://www.jakeisgod.com/yubnub/aliases/jobactions.cfm?action=set&cmd={% 1 %s}&ucmd={filterstring 1 %s}[no url encoding]

NAME: !tag - creates a new "tag" to use in YubNub Aliases: (http://www.jjefferydesign.com/aliases/ ) SYNOPSIS: !tag [tag command to set] [optional tag name if different than command] Using YubNub Aliases, this will set a "tag" command that can be used to tag urls or memos. For example: !tag toread This will create a YubNub Alias command in your account called "toread" After running this, you can run the YubNub command ! toread [url] It will create an entry in your Aliases file listing the url "…
80 uses - Created 2006-02-07 22:00:58 - Last used 2021-07-02 21:37:53 - Description - !seta {% 1 %s} !bm !s -tag {ifempty -value {% 2 %s} -then %s -else {% 2 %s}}[no url encoding]

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