Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


(This command has been awarded a Yubnub Golden Egg)

!seta {% 1 %s} !bm !s -tag {ifempty -value {% 2 %s} -then %s -else {% 2 %s}}[no url encoding]

!tag - creates a new "tag" to use in YubNub Aliases: 
(http://www.jjefferydesign.com/aliases/ )


!tag [tag command to set] [optional tag name if different than command]


Using YubNub Aliases, this will set a "tag" command that can be used 
to tag urls or memos.  

For example:

!tag toread
This will create a YubNub Alias command in your account called "toread"

After running this, you can run the YubNub command
! toread [url]
It will create an entry in your Aliases file listing the url "tagged" 
as "toread".

Now you can use the command "!ls toread" and it will show you all 
your URLs tagged readlist.

If you want the tag name to be different than the tag command, include 
that at the end:
!tag toread readlist

Now your tag will be "readlist", and to find tagged items, use "!ls readlist"

The command is used the same for memos.  For example "aliastag todo"
will create a alias command "todo".  You can add todo items by using
the YubNub command:
"! todo get groceries"
and list your items with the command
"!ls todo"

!tag grocerylist -->  add items to a grocery list 
!tag yubfave --> list your favorite YubNub commands
!tag bookmark --> bookmark URLs

Created using Jacob Ensor's YubNub Aliases and Fuska's % command.
Use to be called "aliastag", tag duplicated by Jacob Ensor in order to 
follow the same foundation as the other (aliases) commands.
80 uses - Created 2006-02-07 22:00:58 - Last used 2021-07-02 21:37:53
Is this command broken? Tell Jon if you know how to fix it.