Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


(This command has been awarded a Yubnub Golden Egg)

     change - encode and decode text using a number of different methods
          Note: The code isn't mine, I've only changed the Post method to Get 
          and added the simple mode for use it inside other commands

          You can find the original code here:
          SNEAK: Snarkles.Net Encryption Assortment Kit v 1.27

     change TEXT -method METHOD [-simple YES]

     Mandatory arguments:
        the string you want to convert

     -method METHOD
        the conversion method. Can be one of these:
             asc2bin - for ASCII to Binary conversion
             bin2asc - for Binary to ASCII conversion
             asc2hex - for ASCII to Hex conversion
             hex2asc - for Hex to ASCII conversion
             bin2hex - for Binary to Hex conversion
             hex2bin - for Hex to Binary conversion
           backwards - for Backwards conversion
              b64enc - for Base 64 Encode
              b64dec - for Base 64 Decode
            caesarbf - Caesar Bruteforce
               crypt - for DES Crypt (one way)
           entityenc - for HTML Entities Encode
           entitydec - for HTML Entities Decode
                l33t - for l33t 5p34k 3nc0d3
              del33t - for l33t 5p34k d3c0d3
                 md5 - MD5 Crypt (one way)
               igpay - Igpay Atinlay
             unigpay - Un-Pig Latin
              rot-13 - ROT-13
              urlenc - for URL Encode
              urldec - for URL Decode

     Optional arguments:
     -simple YES
        If set, only the result of the conversion is shown
        By default set to NO

     change yubnub -method asc2bin
     change 01111001 01110101 01100010 01101110 01110101 01100010 -method bin2asc
     change yubnub -method asc2hex -simple yes
     change 79 75 62 6e 75 62 -method hex2asc
     change 01111001 01110101 01100010 -method bin2hex
     change 79 75 62 -method hex2bin
     change yubnub -method backwards -simple yes
     change yubnub -method b64enc
     change eXVibnVi -method b64dec
     change yubnub -method caesarbf
     change yubnub -method crypt
     change <b>yubnub</b> -method entityenc
     change &#60;&#98;&#62;&#121;&#117;&#98;&#110;&#117;&#98;&#60;&#47;&#98;&#62; -method entitydec
     change yubnub rules -method l33t
     change yubnub rul35 -method del33t
     change yubnub -method md5
     change yubnub -method igpay
     change ubnubyay -method unigpay
     change yubnub -method rot-13 -simple si
     change http://yubnub.org/command/new?name= -method urlenc
     change http%3A%2F%2Fyubnub.org%2Fcommand%2Fnew%3Fname%3D -method urldec

7701 uses - Created 2006-01-30 21:17:25 - Last used 2024-09-20 22:14:57
Is this command broken? Tell Jon if you know how to fix it.