Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
NAME create2 - Create a new YubNub command. SYNOPSIS create2 [COMMAND_NAME] EXAMPLES create2 (sends you to a blank 'create2' form) create2 NewCommand (create a command with the name 'NewCommand') DESCRIPTION Make a YubNub command using an alternate interface. The main difference is that the new interface assists with creating more complete and consistant command descriptions. NOTES The create2 form is not an official YubNub site. Please contact me with any problems/suggestions. AUTHOR Allen Ormond - aormond (at) gmail (dot) com Thanks chicagosage for helping to figure out how to check if a command already exists. ========== Old implementation: ifthen -value1 %s -value2 {scrape -tokens <h1> </h1> -dirs 0 0 -url http://www.yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=%s} -test EQUAL -then A command with that name already exists. -else http://fromrocks.com/yubnub/create2.html?%s -redirect true