Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
Replace uses PCRE via ReReplace.com to perform find/replace routines on text. Most useful for testing regular expressions or searching through a text document without the need for additional software. Example: regexp -f buy -r bye -t say buy -a replace Replace "buy" with "bye" in "say buy" regexp -f reg(?:ular)? ?exp?(?:ression)?s? -t regex regular expressions regexp Highlight the various names for regular expressions To use it, use the following switches: -f Search string (needle) -r Replacement string -t Text to Search (haystack) -a Action to perform. One of "find" "replace" or "preview". Find will hilight matches, preview will perform a replacement and highlight the changes, Replace will perform the find/replace and return the results in an easy to copy text area. Default action is "find" Optionally, you can change the options using the -o switch -o Options, are as follows o Regex mode (enable regex in find/replac) s dot matches new line i case insensitive m ^$ match at line breaks p Soft-wrap text on screen (disable preformatted) b highlight backreferences within matches Options should be combined into a single expression, Example: -o sim Default options are -o impob.