Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
NAME cmdData - Returns data from a command's man page. EXAMPLES cmdData gim.url Returns the url of the gim command, "http://images.google.com/images?q=%s" cmdData eop.created.date Returns the date the eop command was created, "2006-04-02" cmdData match.parameters[4].name Returns "capture", which is the 5th parameter of the match command. Keep in mind that the 'parameters' array is zero-based. Parameters are in the order that they are first found in the command url. However, if the command has a %s parameter, it will always be item [0] in the array. cmdData del2.description Returns the author's notes from its man page. DESCRIPTION Use this command to fetch data from a command's man page using an object hierarchy syntax. The hierarchy is as follows: COMMAND. NAME URL DESCRIPTION GOLDEN (returns 0 or 1) USES CREATED. DATE TIME TIMESTAMP (returns a UNIX timestamp) LASTUSED. DATE TIME TIMESTAMP (returns a UNIX timestamp) PARAMETERS[]. NAME DEFAULTVALUE Note that the parameters are stored in an array. See the examples above for more info. NOTES This utilizes my man-scraping script. More info can be found here: http://groups.google.com/group/YubNub/browse_thread/thread/1bf01d05bf48a94e AUTHOR Allen Ormond - aormond (at) gmail (dot) com