Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


(This command has been awarded a Yubnub Golden Egg)

http://del.icio.us/{ifthen -value1 %s -value2 -test EQUAL -then tag -else %s}/${tag}{ifthen -value1 ${search} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else ?search=${search}}{ifthen -value1 ${url} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else ?url=${url}}{ifthen -value1 ${desc} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else &title=${desc}}{ifthen -value1 ${ext} -value2 -test EQUAL -then -else &notes=${ext}}
     del2 - Access del.icio.us functions all with one command

     Example: del2
     Result:  Go to del.icio.us tagcloud
     Example: del2 -tag TAG
     Result:  Get recent del.icio.us items for TAG
     Example: del2 popular
     Result:  Get recent popular del.icio.us items
     Example: del2 popular -tag TAG
     Result:  Get recent popular del.icio.us items for TAG
     Example: del2 USER
     Result:  Go to del.icio.us page for USER
     Example: del2 USER -tag TAG
     Result:  Go to del.icio.us page for USER filtered by TAG
     Example: del2 url -url URL
     Result:  Go to del.icio.us page for URL
     Example: del2 search -search QUERY
     Result:  Go to del.icio.us for QUERY
     Example: del2 post [-url URL -desc DESCRIPTION -ext EXTENDED]
     Result:  Go to del.icio.us post page (with optional URL, DESCRIPTION, and/or EXTENDED fields filled in)

     This is a mammoth command to allow access to most (all?) del.icio.us features
     without remember multiple commands.  The examples above give a list of the different
     features you can access using this command.  Prefix 'rss/' to any argument to get
     the RSS version of that argument (ie rss/USER for user's RSS)

     You cannot fill in tags for the 'post' command, and the command does not just add
     the item to del.icio.us, but rather brings up the post form for you to continue
     filling in.

     Stephen Paul Weber a.k.a. Singpolyma
1977 uses - Created 2006-04-04 07:25:27 - Last used 2014-04-01 19:03:31
Is this command broken? Tell Jon if you know how to fix it.