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NAME oconv - Convert outline data from one format to another SYNOPSIS oconv [OUTLINE DATA] -url [URL TO OUTLINE DATA] -as [FORMAT] -classes [CLASSES] -simplify [SIMPLIFY?] -urlfill [URLFILL?] -callback [CALLBACK] EXAMPLES oconv {explode 1,2,3,4 -as xoxo} -as opml convert the XOXO-style array 1,2,3,4 to OPML oconv -url http://bloglines.com/export?id=singpolyma -as xoxo convert bloglines OPML to XOXO oconv -url http://bloglines.com/export?id=singpolyma -as json [-callback x] convert bloglines OPML to JSON with optional JSONP callback x oconv -url http://bloglines.com/export?id=singpolyma -as opml -simplify 1 simplify bloglines OPML oconv -url http://bloglines.com/export?id=singpolyma -as opml -urlfill 1 ensure both XML and HTML URLs if possible on bloglines OPML oconv -url http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/ -as xoxo -classes xoxo posts extract XOXO Blog Format data from http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/ DESCRIPTION Auto-detects input format from data or URL of any of XOXO, OPML, XML, RSS, ATOM, or, JSON and converts to an output format of any of XOXO, OPML, or JSON(P) AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/ ---------- Old implementation: http://xoxotools.ning.com/outlineconvert.php?xn_auth=no&data=%s&url=${url}&output=${as=xoxo}&classes=${classes}&simplify=${simplify}&urlfill=${urlfill}&callback=${callback}