Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.

Command List (ls)

Gives a split view of results from Google web and blog and images, as well as del.icio.us tags for your search term
106 uses - Created 2005-10-06 11:48:18 - Last used 2025-01-06 09:57:24 - Nominate - Description - split {url[no url encoding] glog ${myterm}} {url[no url encoding] gim ${myterm}} {url[no url encoding] del ${myterm}}

delplaytiny (Golden Egg)
Chains two commands, delplaymp3 and tinyurl?. As a parameter, give a shortened URL from TinyURL.com that points to an mp3 file. The result will be a link that can be streamed in your browser using del.icio.us playtagger. example: delplaytiny http://tinyurl.com/2bbsv7
97 uses - Created 2007-07-08 21:01:41 - Last used 2023-04-19 20:32:07 - Description - delplaymp3 {tinyurl? %s}

Kees' Bookmarks
85 uses - Created 2005-06-10 03:27:46 - Last used 2024-09-13 07:49:30 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/keesderidder?setcount=100

delhos stands for DEL.icio.us Home Or Search. This keyword will perform a search on delicious if an argument is given, otherwise it will redirect you to the del.icio.us home page
82 uses - Created 2006-02-08 16:25:39 - Last used 2009-09-18 10:39:00 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us{ifThen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then /search/?all=%s}

Post to delecious from Yubnub! - the url is set automatically - you can specify the description with the -d parameter - you can specify notes with the -n parameter
80 uses - Created 2005-11-22 14:12:21 - Last used 2009-06-17 08:31:17 - Nominate - Description - yubnublet location.href="http://del.icio.us/post/?url="+[current URL]+"&title=${d}&notes=${n}";

bkm (Golden Egg)
Brings the user in someone's social bookmarking world
74 uses - Created 2005-06-23 13:31:54 - Last used 2017-05-05 02:38:35 - Description - http://del.icio.us/%s

del.icio.us linkbacks. See what del.icio.us users are linking to the given URL, and what comments they entered about it. Example: delback http://www.kokogiak.com/delicious_linkbacks.html
69 uses - Created 2005-07-07 19:56:13 - Last used 2010-06-18 15:07:16 - Nominate - Description - http://kokogiak.com/dr.asp?q=%s[no url encoding]

Loads the Furl.net page for adding a bookmark to your Furl account (social bookmarking site like del.icio.us).
68 uses - Created 2006-07-04 04:45:01 - Last used 2008-08-04 16:23:59 - Nominate - Description - http://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp


62 uses - Created 2005-07-21 02:43:14 - Last used 2008-02-16 19:52:45 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/whazn

Uses the OPML search feed service at http://alp-uckan.net/free/monitorthis to return an OPML file corresponding to the selected keyword. The OPML contains RSS search feeds for 22 search sources, including the standard search engines, tag searches at del.icio.us, Technorati, Furl, and Flickr, news and blog searches from FindArticles and Blogdigger, and a number of others. Intended for use with OPML readers, or use the grazmon command to get a graphical representation of the output. Example: moni…
60 uses - Created 2007-08-11 16:23:04 - Last used 2014-04-04 09:48:46 - Nominate - Description - http://alp-uckan.net/free/monitorthis/opml.php?q=%s

descriptious (Golden Egg)
SYNOPSIS descriptious EXAMPLE descriptious A live list of what's popular on the web, based on number of links in del.icio.us.
59 uses - Created 2005-06-08 20:18:44 - Last used 2012-07-12 13:15:34 - Description - http://jonathanaquino.com/descriptious/descriptious-populicious-cheyne.html

Takes you to the populicio.us view of del.icio.us popular links ... Without parameters it will take to new links within the latest 24 hours, the only other parameters that work would be: '48' for the last 48 hours '168' for the last week, and '720' for the last month
59 uses - Created 2005-10-26 20:11:26 - Last used 2008-05-07 15:09:31 - Nominate - Description - http://populicio.us/newlinks%s.html

Submit a link to del.icio.us. Prepopulate the "title" field with the page title and the "extended" field with the meta description if present. I set it up to take tags as a parameter, but apparently they don't do anything, so you can just leave them out. Example: dpostt http://burningpanda.dk Made by enbar
59 uses - Created 2008-03-16 21:41:29 - Last used 2009-09-24 12:52:04 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/post?v=4;noui=yes;jump=close;url=%s;title=${title={scrape -tokens <title> </title> -dirs 0 0 -url %s}};notes=${desc={scrape -tokens <meta%20name%3D%22description%22%20content%3D%22 %22 -dirs 0 0 -url %s}};tags=${tags}

Search delicious.com posts. Same as the old "ds" command but works with the delicious.com (the new del.icio.us). Example: dels bernie mac dels "bernie mac" dead dels "bernie mac" (dead OR dies) See http://delicious.com/help/faq#searching for more on search options. made by (e)nb(a)r 2008.08.09
57 uses - Created 2008-08-09 17:13:50 - Last used 2015-08-22 06:59:01 - Nominate - Description - http://delicious.com/search/?p=%s

A shorter version of postdelicious. Save the current URL to your del.icio.us bookmarks. Usage: delp (no argument needed)
55 uses - Created 2007-12-24 23:31:39 - Last used 2014-12-02 04:13:05 - Nominate - Description - script javascript:location.href='http://del.icio.us/post?v=4;url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+';title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)

Comando para salvar tus favoritos en del.icio.as creado por artux (cutepaste.wordpress.com) Modo de uso: delipost -u [url sin http://] -d [descripcion] e.g.: deliciouspost -u artux.com.ar -d Blog personal de artux
52 uses - Created 2006-10-13 18:59:44 - Last used 2010-12-17 11:21:35 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/post?v=4;url=${u};title=${d}

del.icio.us popular media valid arguments: video (includes mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mov) image (includes jpg, jpeg, gif, png) document (includes pdf, doc)
49 uses - Created 2005-12-01 01:09:03 - Last used 2007-11-06 03:02:33 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/popular/system:media:%s

This command will show you how many users have noted the page you're on in del.icio.us. Example: tasty http://www.slashdot.com/
47 uses - Created 2006-01-24 15:01:05 - Last used 2022-03-29 07:29:17 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/url?url=%s

Look up del.icio.us bookmark using username and tag Example: deliut -u username -t tagname Generates: http://del.icio.us/username/tagname
46 uses - Created 2006-01-03 18:50:27 - Last used 2008-03-16 14:16:53 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/${u}/${t}

NAME MagAddQ - Adds bookmark to Ma.gnolia.com using magadd with default <title> from URL and takes space separated tags. SYNOPSIS MagAddQ [URL] -title [TITLE] -desc [ EXAMPLES MagAddQ http://yubnub.com (Adds http://yubnub.com to Ma.gnolia with the title "Yub Nub - YubNub.org".) MagAddQ http://google.com -tags search engine (Adds http://google.com to Ma.gnolia with the title "Google" and tags "search" and "engine".) For more information see the man page for MagAdd (man magadd). This command was …
43 uses - Created 2006-04-23 03:06:43 - Last used 2009-01-26 09:46:38 - Nominate - Description - magadd %s -title ${title={scrape -tokens <title> </title> -dirs 0 0 -url %s}} -desc ${desc} -tags {strReplace -find %20 -replace , -string ${tags}}


41 uses - Created 2006-02-16 01:54:03 - Last used 2021-10-29 15:32:49 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/kyler

NAME del> - Similar to Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature but for Del.icio.us. SYNOPSIS del> [USER] [TAG] Optional arguments: -USER Your username or the username you want to specifically search. You can also use the keyword "TAG" to do a general search but filtered by a tag. Another possibility is using the keyword "POPULAR" to search the top ranked sites. Or the keyword "RECENT" which returns the last added url. That means diferents sites on every request. -TAG The tag you want to filter the…
40 uses - Created 2006-10-12 13:20:27 - Last used 2010-06-24 14:28:50 - Nominate - Description - dluc %s

yplayrand is yet another variation of Fuska's dluc command that returns a playlist using the Yahoo Music EasyLister (formerly WebJay.org) web interface. This should eliminate the need to cut and paste the url or bookmark individual music files from a single page on del.icio.us. Of course to make this work you will need to tag pages that contain links to links to mp3 files accordingly. Then you can open the most recent playlist for a given del.icio.us user as follows: yplayrand [USER] [TAG] -max…
40 uses - Created 2008-04-17 14:43:14 - Last used 2012-04-08 04:13:37 - Nominate - Description - yplay {eatFeed items[{clc {random -min 1 -max ${max=10}}-1}].link -url http://del.icio.us/rss/{% 1 %s}/{% 2- %s}}

NAME MagAd - Adds an url to ma.gnolia.com, a social bookmarking site. SYNOPSIS MagAd [URL] -title [TITLE] -desc [ EXAMPLES MagAd http://yubnub.org/ (Adds a bookmark to yubnub.org) MagAd http://yubnub.org/ -title YubNub -desc A social command line for the web -tags web,social (Adds a bookmark to yubnub, with a description, title, and tags) Adds an URL to Ma.gnolia, a social bookmarking site (like del.icio.us). All parameters are optional. Tags should be separated by commas. This command is ident…
39 uses - Created 2006-04-21 01:54:34 - Last used 2008-03-16 21:41:42 - Nominate - Description - http://ma.gnolia.com/bookmarks/add?url=%s&title=${title}&description=${desc}&tags=${tags}

del.icio.us tag
36 uses - Created 2005-07-04 20:30:59 - Last used 2016-02-02 03:59:44 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/tag/%s

SYNOPSIS depost -u [username; defaults to post] -t [tags] -url [URL] -d [description] -e [extended description] EXAMPLE depost -u eliazar -url http://yubnub.org/documentation/jeremys_picks -d Jeremy's Picks -e The de facto introduction to YubNub. -t yubnub Save a URL to your del.icio.us account. del.icio.us is a "social bookmarking service". RELATED COMMANDS desa (they are practically the same command, except that depost doesn't auto-submit.) AUTHOR elzr.com
36 uses - Created 2006-03-24 00:05:55 - Last used 2010-01-12 03:20:51 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/${u=post}?url=${url};title=${d};notes=${e};tags=${t}

same as postdelicious, but with a shorter name :) Post the current page to your del.icio.us bookmarks
36 uses - Created 2007-01-22 14:27:54 - Last used 2011-03-14 00:01:40 - Nominate - Description - http://javascript:location.href='http://del.icio.us/post?v=4;url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+';title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)

NAME Yap - open a page with Yaplet on the side USES Chatting about a page SYNTAX yap [STRING] EXAMPLE yap www.google.com AUTHOR Klink C. <mrthr33+yubnub@gmail.com> NOTES Most sites you only need www.example.com, but some sites (like del.icio.us) need the http://
34 uses - Created 2007-07-24 16:03:34 - Last used 2015-03-19 09:35:22 - Nominate - Description - http://go.yaplet.com/?url=%s

Use with a full URL. Submits the URL to socialmeter.com, which returns a list of links from Bloglines, del.icio.us, Digg, Google, Technorati, and others. Example: socialmeter http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1555132,00.html created by enbar ---------- Old implementation: http://www.socialmeter.com/check.php?url=%s
33 uses - Created 2006-11-18 03:36:53 - Last used 2010-02-16 02:42:03 - Nominate - Description - http://socialmeter.com/check?url=%s

Search "http://del.icio.us/". Search TAG = "-t" for USER = "-t"! delutag -u gupta -t computer NICE for quickly finding one's own "del.icio.us"-bookmarks!!
32 uses - Created 2005-11-16 19:20:14 - Last used 2009-04-26 12:47:08 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/${u}/${t}

NAME delfind - search del.icio.us EXAMPLES Example: delfind kimchi recipes Result: Search del.icio.us for kimchi recipes Example: delfind kimchi recipes -t user Result: Search del.icio.us for kimchi recipes in your bookmarks NOTES You can search del.icio.us with one of the following three ways: del2 search -search kimchi recipes delfind kimchi recipes deliall kimchi recipes But I would recommend delfind because: 1. delfind way is shorter than del2 way. 2. thename delfind is more intuitive than …
32 uses - Created 2006-10-02 18:00:58 - Last used 2008-03-31 16:20:37 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/search/?fr=del_icio_us&p=%s&type=${t=all}

pull up my personal delicious account search
32 uses - Created 2007-10-15 15:48:06 - Last used 2023-10-19 12:04:16 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/cantinflas83/%s

A clone of http://del.icio.us/ for the sake of learning ASP.NET and C#. Heavily associated with the student, faculty, and staff of Clayton State University, a small university south of Atlanta, GA.
29 uses - Created 2005-06-20 18:58:21 - Last used 2013-09-25 04:45:41 - Nominate - Description - http://q.clayton.edu/delicious/index.aspx?action=list&tag=%s

Save a URL to your del.icio.us account. del.icio.us is a "social bookmarking service". Usage: desa -u <username> -t <tags> -url <URL> -d <description> -e <extended description> Example: desa -u JonathanAquino -url http://google.com -d My search engine of choice This is the same command that 'desa', except that it doesn't auto-submit.
29 uses - Created 2006-03-23 23:28:06 - Last used 2007-02-10 18:49:09 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/${u}?url=${url}&description=${d}&extended=${e}&tags=${t}


29 uses - Created 2007-05-26 19:09:55 - Last used 2009-03-21 17:29:34 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/shadi.lahham

Launch personal del.icio.us site.
25 uses - Created 2006-07-22 19:16:15 - Last used 2008-08-29 18:25:22 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/home

deltag (Golden Egg)
NAME deltag - go to the del.icio.us page for the specified tag (or tag set) SYNOPSIS deltag tagname1[+tagname2][+tagname3]... The deltag utility directs you to the del.icio.us page for the tag(s) provided. When entering multiple tags, the separator is a plus sign (+). deltag futuretech takes you to http://del.icio.us/tag/futuretech deltag futuretech+programming takes you to http://del.icio.us/tag/futuretech+programming
23 uses - Created 2005-06-13 19:08:38 - Last used 2009-07-25 21:10:05 - Description - http://del.icio.us/tag/%s

Takes you right to [Chicago]Sage's latest yubnub link at... http://del.icio.us/sage/yubnub Will it be an article, a new man page perhaps??? In lieu of reading an update to the Blog or mail to the Group, it's the perfect way to start your day. Omelet's email: gomelet AT gmail DOT com
23 uses - Created 2007-04-01 04:37:40 - Last used 2010-06-24 14:28:50 - Nominate - Description - del> sage yubnub

Comando combinado para postear en del.icio.us creado por artux (www.artux.com.ar)
21 uses - Created 2006-10-10 14:48:49 - Last used 2011-03-14 00:02:34 - Nominate - Description - script javascript:location.href='http://del.icio.us/post?v=4;url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+';title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)

This command is only useful for me. It automatically opens all websites that I need opened at all time.
21 uses - Created 2006-09-28 17:09:30 - Last used 2014-05-06 11:37:30 - Nominate - Description - open www.hotmail.com;www.meebo.com;www.google.com/notebook;http://del.icio.us;http://www.cjpx.ca/streamtheworld/index.php;c2helpdesk;gnstools;ubimail.ubisoft.com

Run this command to get some bookmarklets for quicksaving to del.icio.us. Required argument: -user [your del.icio.us username] Optional argument: -tag [a tagname] (default: quicksaved) fro
20 uses - Created 2006-05-11 03:23:17 - Last used 2009-10-25 15:00:43 - Nominate - Description - echo <h1>del.icio.us bookmarklets</h1>These bookmarklets can be used to quickly bookmark a page you're viewing. <br>You will not see the form where you can tag the page. Instead, all pages saved with this<br>bookmarklet will be saved with one common tag. You can give them real tags later at del.icio.us.<br><b>If you ran this command without -user [your del.icio.us username], these bookmarklets will not work.</b><br>You can also spesify the tag to be used(default is "quicksaved"):<br> -tag [tag name] <br><br>So if you haven't run this command like this:<br>del.quick.bookmarklets -u username -tag yourtag<br>or this:<br>del.quick.bookmarklets -u username<br>then run it again.<br><br><br>Drag the bookmarklets you want to your toolbar:<br><a href="javascript:location.href='http://yubnub.org/parser/parse?command='+encodeURIComponent('desapr -u ${user} -url '+location.href+' -d '+document.title+' -t ${tag=quicksaved}')">del.quick.priv</a> Quicksave without sharing.<br><a href="javascript:location.href='http://yubnub.org/parser/parse?command='+encodeURIComponent('desa -u ${user} -url '+location.href+' -d '+document.title+' -t ${tag=quicksaved}')">del.quick.publ</a> Quicksave with sharing.<br><a href="javascript:location.href='http://del.icio.us/${user}/${tag=quicksaved}'">del.${tag=quicksaved}</a> Go to your quicksaved items.<br><br>Note: If you want to use private saving, it must be enabled <a href="http://del.icio.us/settings/${user}/privacy">here</a>.<br><br>These bookmarklets use the yubnub commands <a href="http://yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=desa">desa</a> and <a href="http://yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=desapr">desapr</a>.<br><br>I have tested this in Opera. Hopefully it works for you too.<br><i>fro</i>

delhot stands for DEL.icio.us Home Or Tag. This keyword will go to del.icio.us tags if an argument is given, otherwise it will redirect you to the del.icio.us home page
20 uses - Created 2006-06-02 22:35:41 - Last used 2006-11-10 01:12:46 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us{ifThen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then /tag/%s}

gentoo-wiki ! http://gentoo-wiki.com/IPv4 http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/IPv4 http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IPv4 http://wiki.gregarius.net/index.php/IPv4 http://gentoo-wiki.com/IP_Address http://www.hrwiki.org/index.php/IP_Address http://wiki.gregarius.net/index.php/IP_Address http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/IP_Address http://www.wiki.co.il/index.php/%D7%9B%D7%AA%D7%95%D7%91%D7%AA_IP http://www.wiki.co.il/index.php/IPv4 http://www.wiki.co.il/index.php/IP http://www.wiki.co.il/index.php/DNS htt…
20 uses - Created 2007-09-18 00:58:11 - Last used 2017-03-23 06:38:32 - Nominate - Description - http://gentoo-wiki.com

SYNOPSIS desav -u [username; defaults to post] -t [tags] -url [URL] -d [description] -e [extended description] EXAMPLE desav -u eliazar -url http://yubnub.org/documentation/jeremys_picks -d Jeremy's Picks -e The de facto introduction to YubNub. -t yubnub Save a URL to your del.icio.us account. del.icio.us is a "social bookmarking service". RELATED COMMANDS desa (they are practically the same command, except that desav doesn't auto-submit.) AUTHOR elzr.com
19 uses - Created 2006-03-23 23:55:51 - Last used 2008-08-25 13:35:20 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/${u=post}?url=${url};title=${d};notes=${e};ta=${t}

NAME delmag - Add an URL to both del.icio.us and ma.gnolia with one command. SYNOPSIS delmag -u [DEL.ICIO.US USERNAME] -url [URL] -tg [TAGS] -ti [TITLE] -d [ EXAMPLES delmag -u Username -url www.yubnub.org -ti YubNub -d Social command line -tg search,social Opens URL submission forms for both ma.gnolia and del.icio.us at the same time. All parameters are optional except -url. Tags should be seperated by commas. The -ti [TITLE] parameter corresponds to the del.icio.us "description" field. The -d…
19 uses - Created 2006-04-21 02:55:55 - Last used 2008-03-16 21:41:42 - Nominate - Description - split {url depost -u ${u=post} -url ${url} -t {strreplace2 -find , -replace %20 -string ${tg}} -d ${ti} -e ${d}} {url magad ${url} -title ${ti} -desc ${d} -tags ${tg}}

Displays the del.icio.us and LibraryThing pages for a given user and tag, side by side. Example: dlt -u rwhe -t sf (brings up the del.icio.us and LibraryThing pages for user rwhe with the tag "sf").
19 uses - Created 2010-08-05 08:40:17 - Last used 2017-01-13 05:29:05 - Nominate - Description - splitv http://del.icio.us/${u}/${t} http://www.librarything.com/catalog/${u}&tag=${t}

Tiex's del.icio.us tag
17 uses - Created 2006-10-21 05:53:41 - Last used 2016-11-19 12:57:39 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/tiex/%s

NAME dpop> - I'm Feeling Lucky for Del.icio.us Popular SYNOPSIS dpop> [TAG] Takes you to the most popular link in Del.icio.us for the tag provided. Wonderfully serendipitous... a StumbleUpon of sorts. EXAMPLES Note that, as one would expect from a popularity barometer, you will probably get different results if you try the given examples now. dpop> art Wonderful review by Kevin Kelly of Scott McCloud's new book: Making Comics. http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/001441.php dpop> search Google …
17 uses - Created 2006-10-12 13:20:33 - Last used 2009-06-24 21:06:41 - Nominate - Description - dluc popular %s

del.icio.us popular by filetype. valid arguments: mpg, mpeg, avi, wmv, mov, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc
16 uses - Created 2005-12-01 01:14:07 - Last used 2010-11-29 12:13:16 - Nominate - Description - http://del.icio.us/popular/system:filetype:%s

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