Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
NAME del> - Similar to Google's "I'm Feeling Lucky" feature but for Del.icio.us. SYNOPSIS del> [USER] [TAG] DESCRIPTION Optional arguments: -USER Your username or the username you want to specifically search. You can also use the keyword "TAG" to do a general search but filtered by a tag. Another possibility is using the keyword "POPULAR" to search the top ranked sites. Or the keyword "RECENT" which returns the last added url. That means diferents sites on every request. -TAG The tag you want to filter the results by. This argument is mandatory if the first one was "TAG". Has no effects if the first one was "RECENT". And it's optional in other cases. EXAMPLES del> fuska - open my last submited URL del> fuska art - open my last URL tagged as "art" del> tag art - open the last URL submited by anyone and tagged as "art" del> popular art - open the most tagged as "art" URL del> popular - open the most submited URL del> recent - open the last URL submited by anyone del> - open the URL that is on top of the front page ... AUTHOR All credit goes to Fuska, this is just an alias (man page and all) of his wonderful "dluc" command. -Eliazar