Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=%s&charset=${encoding=(detect automatically)}&fbc=${fbe=0}&doctype=${doctype=inline}&fbd=${fbd=0}&ss=${s=0}&outline=${o=0}&sp=${p=0}&noatt=${noatt=0}&No200=${e=0}&verbose=${v=1}
Validates the specified page using the validator.w3.org .


    w3v WebPageAddress [options]


    -encoding encoding
	Allows you to override the character encoding in the document.
	Default seting is "(automatically detect)".
	Encoding options are as follows:

	utf-8       (Unicode, worldwide)
	utf-16      (Unicode, worldwide)
	iso-8859-1  (Western Europe)
	iso-8859-2  (Central Europe)

	iso-8859-3  (Southern Europe)
	iso-8859-4  (North European)
	iso-8859-5  (Cyrillic)
	iso-8859-6  (Arabic)
	iso-8859-7  (Greek)
	iso-8859-8  (Hebrew, visual)

	iso-8859-8  (Hebrew, logical)
	iso-8859-9  (Turkish)
	iso-8859-10 (Latin 6)
	iso-8859-13 (Latin 7, Baltic Rim)
	iso-8859-14 (Latin 8, Celtic)
	iso-8859-15 (Latin 9)

	iso-8859-16 (Latin 10)
	us-ascii    (us-ascii) (basic English)
	euc-jp      (Japanese, Unix)
	shift_jis   (Japanese, Win/Mac)
	iso-2022-jp (Japanese, email)
	euc-kr      (Korean)

	ksc_5601    (Korean)
	gb2312      (Chinese, simplified)
	gb18030     (Chinese, simplified)
	big5        (Chinese, traditional)
	tis-620     (Thai)
	koi8-r      (Russian)

	koi8-u  	(Ukrainian)
	iso-ir-111	(Cyrillic KOI-8)
	macintosh	(MacRoman)
	windows-1250	(Central Europe)
	windows-1251	(Cyrillic)
	windows-1252	(Western Europe)

	windows-1253	(Greek)
	windows-1254	(Turkish)
	windows-1255	(Hebrew)
	windows-1256	(Arabic)
	windows-1257	(Baltic Rim)

    -fbe 1|0
	Uses the character encoding override mechanism described above, but
	only does it as a fall back mechanism if the actual document is not
	served with character encoding information. Think of this as a gentler
	override mechanism.
	Setting this to 1 enables the fallback character encoding, setting it
	to 0 disables fallback character encoding and forces the validator to
	read the file with the encoding you specified.  Default setting is 0.

    -doctype doctype
	This allows you to override the DOCTYPE declaration for you document.
	Valid options are as follows:

	inline				Detect automatically (default)

	XHTML 1.1			XHTML 1.1
	XHTML Basic 1.0			XHTML Basic 1.0
	XHTML 1.0 Strict		XHTML 1.0 Strict
	XHTML 1.0 Transitional		XHTML 1.0 Transitional
	XHTML 1.0 Frameset		XHTML 1.0 Frameset

	ISO/IEC 15445:2000 		ISO HTML

	HTML 4.01 Strict		HTML 4.01 Strict
	HTML 4.01 Transitional		HTML 4.01 Transitional
	HTML 4.01 Frameset		HTML 4.01 Frameset
	HTML 3.2			HTML 3.2
	HTML 2.0			HTML 2.0
	MathML 2.0			MathML 2.0
	XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0	XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0

    -fbd 1|0
	Uses the Doctype override mechanism described above, but only does it
	as a fall back mechanism if the actual document does not have a Doctype
	declaration. Think of this as a gentler override mechanism.
	Setting this to 1 enables the fallback doctype override, setting it to
	0 disables fallback doctype override and forces the validator to read
	the file with the doctype declaration you specified.  Default setting
	is 0.

    -s 1|0
	When set to 1, this Displays the HTML source of the document you
	validated and links error messages directly to lines in this output.
	Makes it easy to see what's wrong.  Default is 0.

    -o 1|0
	When set to 1, this will generate an outline of your document from the
	H1 - H6 elements.  For a properly formed document, this will be a
	nicely nested tree structure. The visualization of your document's
	structure makes it easier to see where you've skipped a heading.
	Default is 0.

    -p 1|0
	When set to 1, this shows you exactly how the SGML Parser read your
	document. Probably best used only by advanced users as it deals with
	low-level SGML constructs.  Default is 0.

    -noatt 1|0
	When set to 1, this will suppress attributes from the parse tree to
	make it more readable.  Default is 0.

    -e 1|0
	The Markup Validator will usually tell you if the page you tried to
	validate could not be retrieved (for example, if the server gave a "404
	not found" message. In some circumstances you may want to be able to
	validate the error page sent by the server. This is the option to use
	then.  Default setting is 0.

    -v 1|0
	When set to 1, this option triggers verbose output. Verbose output adds
	more explanations and suggestions to the validation results, and gives
	more information on the resource validated. This makes it a useful
	option if you prefer to be given as much help as possible; if you
	prefer more concise reports, set this to 0.

    w3v www.google.com
	Validates www.google.com

    w3v www.w3c.org -s 1 -o 1
	Validates www.w3c.org and prints the page source and the page outline.

    Andy Blower (ayteebee).
    Email: ayteebee[at]gmail[dot]com
    Website: www.ayteebee.co.uk
56 uses - Created 2006-07-10 13:39:17 - Last used 2021-10-16 01:43:20
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