Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
SYNOPSIS tri[keywords] -1 LEFTURL -2 RIGHTURL1 -3 RIGHTURL2 EXAMPLE tri Bellucci results: a tri-frame with the URLs set to the default: Answers.com, Google Image Search, and Flickr Interesting. tri Bellucci -1 flint -2 gim -3 yim results: a tri-frame with the left frame in Flickr Interesting, the top right frame to Google Image Search, and the bottom right frame to Yahoo Image Search. DESCRIPTION It splits the window in three frames, like this [ |--]. The switches are optional and will default, respectively, to Answers.com, Google Image Search, and Flickr Interesting. RELATED COMMANDS two AUTHOR Eliazar elzr.com