Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
Searches the Toronto Public Library catalogue ---------- Old implementation: http://catalogue.torontopubliclibrary.ca/uhtbin/cgisirsi/x/0/0/5?srchfield1=GENERAL^SUBJECT^GENERAL^^Words+or+phrase&searchdata1=%s&searchoper1=AND&srchfield2=AU^AUTHOR^AUTHORS^Author+Processing^Author&searchdata2=${au}&searchoper2=AND&srchfield3=TI^TITLE^SERIES^Title+Processing^Title&searchdata3=${ti}&searchoper3=AND&srchfield4=SU^SUBJECT^SUBJECTS^^Subject&searchdata4=${su}&searchoper4=AND&srchfield5=SER^SERIES^SERIES^Title+Processing^Series&searchdata5=${ser}&searchoper5=AND&srchfield6=PER^PERTITLE^SERIES^Title+Processing^Periodical+title&searchdata6=${per}&library=${lib=ALL_BUT_SB}&language=${lan=ANY}&item_1cat=${format=ANY}&pubyear=${year}&item_2cat=${age=ANY}&sort_by=NONE&format=&item_type=&location=&shadow=NO Searches the Toronto Public Library catalogue for books and media. When called without switches, it executes a simple keyword search on the whole catalogue. But I've also tried to include all the options currently available from the advanced search page. These are the available search parameters: search types: -au author name -ti title -su subject word(s) -ser series words -per periodical title limits: -lib library abbreviation, usually the first letter each word in the branch name, CAPITALIZED. -lan language. MUST BE WRITTEN IN CAPITALS. -format item format. You have to know the code name for a format to search this way. -year year of publication -age approximate age category. again, you need to know the category codes. The search parameters work in a perfectly predictable way, but the limiting parameters are very sensitive -- to use them, you should look carefully at the results of a normal search. I haven't had time to document them yet. corrects erros in tpl2