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Swiss Telephone Directory Search / Suche im Schweizer Telefonbuch Syntax: swit [-n name] [-b profession] [-s street] [-o town] [-k canton] [-t phone number] Examples: 1. Look up all Kurt Furglers in Switzerland swit -n furgler kurt 2. Look up former Federal Councilman Kurt Furgler swit -n furgler kurt -b bundesrat 3. Look up restaurant 'Il Gallo' in Zurich swit -n il gallo -o zürich 4. Look up all inhabitants of Nordstrasse 7 in Wettingen swit -s nordstr. 7 -o Wettingen Please note that -o also accepts a ZIP code: swit -s nordstr. 7 -o 5430 5. Who is the owner of phone number 044 744 35 35 swit -t 044 744 35 35