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NAME substring - Extract a substring of a given string SYNOPSIS substring [STRING TO PARSE] -start [START POSITION] -end [STOP POSITION] EXAMPLES % substring Hello World -start 2 -end 8 ==> ello Wo % substring Hello World -start 4 ==> lo World % substring Hello World -end 8 ==> Hello Wo % substring Hello World ==> Hello World DESCRIPTION Extracts a substring from a provided string. -start and -end are both optional. Positions are *inclusive* and begin at 1. The following illustrates the command's course of action: -start and -end provided : return substring from position START to position END -start provided, -end not provided : return strLeft beginning at position START -start not provided, -end provided : return strRight terminating at position END -start not provided, -end not provided : return the string Positions are *inclusive* and begin at 1. AUTHOR Gershman, David A (gershman@dagertech.net) Thanks to: Jonathan Aquino for YubNub! Allen Ormond for 'ifthen', 'sum', 'strLength', 'strLeft', and 'strRight'!