Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


https://steamdb.info/search/?a=app&q=%s&type={ switch ${type} | app => 2, config => 9, dlc => 4, demo => 3, depot => 6, driver => 10, game => 1, guide => 7, hardware => 16, leg => 8, music => 15, plugin => 14, series => 17, tool => 5, unknown => 0, video => 13, * => -1}&category=0
    Steam Database search. Search for any item in the SteamDB.

    stdb [keywords] [type]

    Optional arguments :
        The key words to search for.
        The type of item you want to search for. Can be any of the following :
        app, config, dlc, demo, depot, driver, game, guide, hardware, leg (legacy media),
        music, plugin, series, tool, unknown, video. The default value is all.

    stdb Mad Max - Searches for any item with a name containing "Mad Max".
    stdb Skyrim -type guide - Searches for all guides with a name containing "Skyrim".
    stdb -type demo - Searches for all demos.
15 uses - Created 2017-03-09 18:12:07 - Last used 2017-03-31 05:22:15
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