Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


split {url {ifEmpty -value {% 1 %s} -then yu ${s} -else {strReplace -find + -replace " " -string {% 1 %s}} ${s}}}} {url {ifEmpty -value {% 2 %s} -then yu ${s} -else {strReplace -find + -replace " " -string {% 2 %s} ${s}}}

     splitf2 - issue 2 YubNub commands to a split-frame window.




     splitf2 opens a split-frame browser window (or tab).  Unlike similar YubNub commands it uses 
     uses positional parameters to issue commands to each frame so as to minimize keystrokes.  
     splitf2 opens up the web interface at YubNub.org by default, but allows you to send multiple 
     commands to each frame and use a single argument as a special parmeter across both.


     Example: splitf2
     Result:  Returns a window with 2 frames with the YubNub.org interface.

     Example: splitf2 g y -s linux
     Result:  Returns Google search results for linux beside it Yahoo doesn't search.

     Example: splitf2 g -s linux
     Result:  Returns Google search results for linux on the left and issues the YubNub command 
             `linux' to return Linux.org on the right.

     Example: splitf2 am+tom+sawyer mooch+huck finn
     Result:  Returns results from Amazon for Tom Sawyer and from BookMooch for Huck Finn.

     Example: splitf2 -s g music
     Result:  Returns the results of the Google search for the music of U2 in both frames.

     Example: splitf2 tadclock+New+York tadcalendar 
     Result:  Returns the time for New York City beside the monthly calendar from Time and Date.com.


     1) The sources for some YubNub commands may not allow multiple connections.
     2) You may have to adjust display settings to view some sites if you use   
        additional split commands with splitf2.

     Paul M. Boren
     pmboren AT gmail DOT com
97 uses - Created 2008-05-08 17:51:28 - Last used 2013-02-05 06:33:08
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