Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


strleft {scrape -tokens ISBN: </td> -dirs 0 0 -url {url isbndb %s}} 10
Takes the keywords you specify, runs a keyword search on ISBNdb.com, and scrapes
the **first** ISBN number returned by the search. NB: Will only work on 
ten-digit ISBNs, and beware of titles with multiple editions. The ISBN 
can be piped to other commands like bsense. 

     scrapeisbn1 denton smith "soul searching"
will return 
the ISBN for Christain Smith and Melinda Denton, "Soul Searching" 
(the hardback edition).

For more on the search site, see 

My first experiment with scraping. 
By nathan period rein atsign gmail period com
208 uses - Created 2006-04-23 19:48:58 - Last used 2023-01-01 17:50:44
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