Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


The New York Times article search.  Options: word, date, and section.

To use: nytimes -word [word] -date [date] -section [section]

date: today, site1week, past30days, past90days, and past365days

section: Arts, Health, Obituaries, Automobiles, Real Estate, Home & Garden, Books,
International, Science, Business, Sports, Job Market, Corrections, Letters,
Technology, Dining & Wine, Magazine, Travel, Editorials & Op-Ed, Movies,
Washington, Education, National, Weddings & Celebrations, Fashion & Style,
New York Region, Week in Review

To search for cuomo in the National section for the past 90 days:
nytimes -word cuomo -date past90days -section National
1341 uses - Created 2005-08-24 06:09:42 - Last used 2025-03-19 08:59:42
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