Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
NAME mash2 - A rewrite of the mash command that allows for multiple keywords and unlimited commands. SYNOPSIS mash2 [KEYWORDS] -cmd [YUBNUB COMMANDS] EXAMPLES mash2 singpolyma comments -cmd g y am a gfl gdeff del2 Mashes the results for 'singpolyma comments' from the g, y, am, a, gfl, gdeff, and del2 commands on one page. NOTES See also : mash, mashswitch, mash2test, ms2 AUTHOR Stephen Paul Weber a.k.a. Singpolyma http://singpolyma-tech.blogspot.com/ Kudos to Brian A a.k.a. chicagosage for his help and inspiration through the mashswitch and mash2test commands. See <http://groups.google.com/group/YubNub/browse_thread/thread/e03fd4e81a2aee1c/582e31c17fd1ca97?> for more details.