Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
SYNOPSIS luckyecho [keywords] EXAMPLE luckyecho beautiful descriptions results in: http://eemadges.com/ luckyecho command line for the web results in: http://www.yubnub.org/ DESCRIPTION Echoes the URL of the first result of googling your keywords. SIMILAR COMMANDS am> (luckyecho is actually a building block for this command) AUTHOR elzr.com Sean O'Hagan's scrape command, as always, was a pleasure to use. ---------- Old implementations: scrape -tokens class=l href=%22 %22 -dirs 0 1 0 -url {url g %s} scrape -tokens </table><p><a href=%22 %22 -dirs 0 0 0 -url {url g %s}