Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
SYNOPSIS lehtopa -t form -s search title EXAMPLES lehtopa -t sonnet -s farewell love lehtopa -t couplets -s I lie with her lehtopa -t pantoum -s pantoum, which rhymes with "zoom" lehtopa -t sestina -s dancing lehtopa -t collage -s Exterminate All Rational Thought DESCRIPTION Performs AutoPost "Get A Google Poem: by Leevi Lehto" with "Patterns" feature. Enter required poetic form as spelled below and search/title string (maximum 40 characters). Google Poem appears in browser of specified form (or type) with default options. FORMS sonnet couplets pantoum sestina collage SEE ALSO Get A Google Poem: by Leevi Lehto http://www.leevilehto.net/google/patterns.asp, http://www.leevilehto.net/google/patterns.asp?background=1, and AutoPost http://www.io.com/~jsm/autopost/