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NAME l>>pdf - Google site-specific search for PDFs on a site for which you do not know the URL. SYNOPSIS l>>pdf [KEYWORDS-TO-DESCRIBE-SITE] [KEYWORDS TO SEARCH WITHIN SITE] EXAMPLES l>>pdf elzr returns all PDFs indexed by Google at elzr.com l>>pdf mckinsey-quarterly marketing returns all "marketing" PDFs indexed by Google at mckinseyquarterly.com DESCRIPTION l>>pdf will do a Google search on the first hyphen-separated parameter, select the first result, then search for the second parameter within that site and return only the PDFs found there. It is useful if you want to search within a specific site for PDFs, but you don't know the URL or Yubnub command for that site. RELATED COMMANDS l>>, >>, lucky>, l>, lucky>>, mysearch AUTHOR This is a simple alias of Fuska's mysearch command (inspired by Shantanuo, see: http://groups.google.com/group/YubNub/browse_thread/thread/ca58bf119e8316a6). Eliazar (elzr.com)