Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
NAME l> - An extension to Google's "I'm feeling lucky" search. SYNOPSIS l> [KEYWORDS TO DESCRIBE SITE];[KEYWORDS TO SEARCH WITHIN SITE] EXAMPLES l> victoria tourism;gardens [returns information about gardens at www.tourismvictoria.com] l> chicago reader;improv [returns the improv listings at www.chicagoreader.com] l> chicago tribune [returns www.chicagotribune.com/ -- without a second parameter this command behaves like "I'm Feeling Lucky".] DESCRIPTION This command is a shorter version of the "lucky>" command. It allows you to do a Google "I'm Feeling Lucky" search with the ability to use one set of search terms to desribe the site, and a separate set of search terms to find the item within the site. It is useful if you want to search within a specific site, but you don't know the URL or Yubnub command for that site. NOTES This command uses Allen Ormond's "param" command. Inspired by Eliazar Parra's > and luckyecho commands, that latter of which uses Sean O'Hagan's scrape command. AUTHOR Brian Armknecht b.a.