Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


echo <a href="${link=#}" target="${target=_self}"><img border="${b=0}" src="%s" height="${h}" width="${w}" alt="${a}" /></a>
imgtag - Creates the html code to display an image:


imgtag <image url> [options]


-a <text>       : Alternative text
-b <integer>    : Border size
-h <integer>    : Image height
-w <integer>    : Image width
-link <url>     : Image target url
-target <text>  : Where the link will open
       _self (default) : Same window as the image
       _blank          : New window
       <frame name>    : Name of a frame


imgtag http://yubnub.org/images/yubnub.png - Display yubnub logo
imgtag http://yubnub.org/images/yubnub.png -h 50 -w 100  - Display a 50x100 yubnub logo
imgtag {firstgim water} -link {wpen water} An image of water which links to wikipedia



9237 uses - Created 2008-04-12 16:05:33 - Last used 2015-11-16 14:43:30
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