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NAME ifThen - Compares two values (or evaluates a conditional statement) and returns a value based on the result SYNOPSIS This command can be used with two different syntaxes: ifThen -value1 [VALUE 1] -value2 [VALUE 2] -test [CONDITIONAL TEST] -then [RESULT IF TRUE] -else [RESULT IF FALSE] -redirect [REDIRECT] OR: ifThen (CONDITIONAL STATEMENT)RESULT IF TRUE, RESULT IF FALSE -delimit [DELIMITER] -redirect [REDIRECT] EXAMPLES The following are examples using both of the two syntaxes: ifThen -value1 16 -value2 23 -test LESS -then yub -else nub ifThen (16<23)yub,nub (Returns "yub" because 16 is less than 23) ifThen -value1 abcdefg -value2 abcdefg -test NOTEQUAL -then yub -else nub ifThen (abcdefg<>abcdefg) yub, nub (This would return "nub" because the two values are equal, thus failing the test) ifThen -value1 100 -value2 100 -test LESSEQUAL -then http://www.google.com -redirect true ifThen (100<=100)http://www.google.com -redirect true (Redirects to the the Google website.) ifThen -value1 100 -value2 100 -test LESSEQUAL -then http://www.google.com -redirect false ifThen (100<=100)http://www.google.com -redirect false (Returns the Google URL as a string.) The second syntax will also evaluate as true if the value in parentheses is TRUE, 1, or YES: ifThen (True)yub, nub (Returns "yub") DESCRIPTION Compares two values or evaluates a conditional statement and returns a result depending on the result. '-VALUE1' and '-VALUE2' are compared using the method defined by the '-TEST' parameter ,or the conditional statement is evaluated, if the result is true then the RESULT IF TRUE is returned. Otherwise the RESULT IF FALSE is returned (or nothing is returned if undefined). -ELSE, RESULT IF FALSE, -REDIRECT and -DELIMIT are optional parameters Possible values for the '-test' parameter in the first syntax are: GREATER - returns true if value1 is greater than value2 LESS - returns true if value1 is less than value2 GREATEREQUAL - returns true if value1 is greater than or equal to value2 LESSEQUAL - returns true if value1 is less than or equal to value2 EQUAL - returns true if value1 is equal to value2 NOTEQUAL - returns true if value1 is not equal to value2 Possible conditional operators for the second syntax are: > - greater than < - less than >= - greater than or equal <= - less than or equal == - equal to <> - not equal to The '-redirect' parameter can be set to True or False. It defaults to False. If set to True and the result of the command begins with "HTTP" then the the command will attempt to redirect the user to the web site. The '-delimit' parameter can be used to change the value that separates RESULT IF TRUE and RESULT IF FALSE. It defaults to a comma (,). This is only used for the second syntax. NOTES This implementation of ifThen combines the original ifThen syntax with the new syntax first used in the 'ift' command. AUTHOR Allen Ormond <aormond (at) gmail (dot) com>