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Everyhit.com search - find the date when an artist or song made the UK Top 40.


artist: name of artist
song: name of song
pos: chart position reached (at least)
emonth:  } only return tracks which made chart
eyear:   } after this month / year combo (dd / yyyy)
lmonth:  } only return tracks which made chart
lyear:   } up to this month / year combo (dd / yyyy)

Example: find all hits by Robbie Williams:
hit -artist Robbie Williams

Example: find when 'Ordinary World' by Duran Duran made the charts:
hit -artist Duran Duran -song Ordinary World

Example: show how many number ones the Spice Girls had:
hit -artist Spice Girls -pos 1

Example: show all 80s hits by Diana Ross
hit -artist Diana Ross -emonth 01 -eyear 1980 -lmonth 12 -lyear 1989
1435 uses - Created 2006-01-09 21:59:10 - Last used 2024-05-26 14:40:15
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