Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
Google Local. Find local businesses and services on the web. Examples: gloc pizza Poughkeepsie, NY gloc -what pizza -where Poughkeepsie, NY Sometimes the information you're looking for is related to a particular place -- like the all-night doughnut shop that's nearest to your house. Google Local locates neighborhood stores and services by searching billions of pages across the Web, then cross-checking those results with Yellow Pages data to pinpoint the local resources you want to find. This innovative approach gives you access to the most -- and most relevant -- results for your search. * This was the first YubNub command to support multiple parameters. ========== Old implementation: http://www.google.com/local?sc=1&hl=en&q=${what}&near=${where}&btnG=Google+Search&rl=1