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Advanced search for typefaces on FontShop.com, "the original independent font retailer." Works like the command "fontshop," but allows user to specify the sample text and size of the text, which makes it very useful for quickly taking a look at a typeface.
Basic Example: fontshopadv garamond
Search for type relating to "garamond."

-text: Specify the sample text used when seeing each font.
Example: fontshopadv garamond -text Bringhurst

-size: Specify the size (in points) of the sample text used when seeing each font. Even though FontShop.com only displays several fixed sizes, any point size input in this switch will return that size.
Example: fontshopadv garamond -size 80

Advanced example: fontshopadv meta -text hamburgefonstiv -size 225

Related commands: fontshop, veertype, myfonts, gima, gadv

By Auricfuzz
42 uses - Created 2007-07-29 16:22:54 - Last used 2009-08-30 05:02:06
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