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Advanced Digg Search

CAUTION: O My mom said digg is not good for my and your mental health.


To search for [hello world] from digg,
dgg hello world

To search for [goodbye world] for last 30 days,
dgg goodbye world -d 30

To search for [ok digg is lame] for all story and sort by most diggs
dgg ok digg is lame -a all -s most

Kinds of options ( I told ya. ADVANCED!!!one!!)

1. Area of Story
-a all : All story
-a promote : Front Page Stories   (default)
-a dig : Upcoming Stories

2. Days
-d 7 : Last 7 days  (default)
-d 30 : Last 30 days
-d 365 : last 365 days
-d all : from all time

3. Sort
-s new : Sort newest first (default)
-s old : oldest first
-s most : by most diggs
188 uses - Created 2006-09-13 15:49:48 - Last used 2024-02-09 01:56:16
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