Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


http://fahrplan.sbb.ch/bin/query.exe/fn?REQ0JourneyStopsS0G={% 1 %s}&REQ0JourneyStopsS0A=7&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0G={% 2 %s}&REQ0JourneyStopsZ0A=7&start=%BB+Chercher+correspondances[no url encoding]
Looks up time table on Swiss railways in French.
Takes current date and time as default.

Usage: cff [from] [to]
cff Renens Geneve
cff Vevey Sion
cff Tour-de-Peilz Yverdon

Attention: Doesn't like spaces or accents in place names!

Swiss railways has three names/acronyms and urls, for German (SBB), French (CFF), Italian (FSS).

In YubNub, <a href="http://yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=sbb">SBB</a> is already defined (and searches in German), as is <a href="http://yubnub.org/kernel/man?args=fss">FSS</a> (which references a completely different site)

Author: Ben Simkins
669 uses - Created 2008-01-11 14:48:34 - Last used 2025-02-01 08:21:43
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