Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.


change {ifthen -value1 %s -value2 0 -test GREATEREQUAL -then {echo {rounddown -val %s -prec 0}%BA{rounddown -val {multiply {subtract %s {rounddown -val %s -prec 0}} 60} -prec 0}%27{round {multiply {subtract {multiply {subtract %s {rounddown -val %s -prec 0}} 60} {rounddown -val {multiply {subtract %s {rounddown -val %s -prec 0}} 60} -prec 0}} 60} -precision 2}%22} -else {echo -{rounddown -val {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} -prec 0}%BA{rounddown -val {multiply {subtract {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} {rounddown -val {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} -prec 0}} 60} -prec 0}%27{round {multiply {subtract {multiply {subtract {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} {rounddown -val {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} -prec 0}} 60} {rounddown -val {multiply {subtract {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} {rounddown -val {strreplace -find - -replace -string %s} -prec 0}} 60} -prec 0}} 60} -precision 2}%22}} -method urldec -simple yes

     >hms - converts the latitude or longitude coordinate from decimal 
            degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds.

     >hms DD.DDDDD...

     The >hms command will convert a latitude or longitude coordinate 
     from decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds format with the 
     seconds fixed at 2 decimal places.

     Example: >hms 47.818307766667
     Result:  47°49'5.91"

     Example: >hms -102.44957842222
     Result:  -102°26'58.48"


     Paul M. Boren
     pmboren AT gmail DOT com
69 uses - Created 2010-05-21 21:40:11 - Last used 2011-06-03 15:38:47
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Do you find this command offensive? Let Jon know.