Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.
Create a bookmark using YubNub aliases (http://www.jjefferydesign.com/aliases/ ) This can be used if you want to save URLs using your YubNub Aliases account. The default will save a URL with the term "bookmark" and a timestamp. If a term other than "bookmark" is preferred, use the "-tag" switch at the end. usage: !bm [url] -tag [tag (optional)] examples: !bm http://www.yubnub.org <-- adds bookmark[timestamp] http://www.yubnub.org to your alias account. !bm http://www.yahoo.org -tag search <-- adds search[timestamp] http://www.yahoo.com to your alias account. !bm http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chicagosage -tag toread (For those familiar with YubNub aliases, this is the same as the "!set" command, but it uses "bookmark" and a timestamp for the command name". This is useful for quickly saving URLS. The command "!ls bookmark" or "!ls (your tag)" can be used to retrieve your saved bookmarks. AUTHOR: Chicagosage http://blog.360.yahoo.com/chicagosage b.a.