Type in a command, or "ls dictionary" to search all commands for "dictionary", etc.

Golden Eggs (ge)

Tip: For a list of particularly interesting Yubnub commands, check out Yubnub Golden Eggs. Also see the Most-Used Commands.
Tip: You can search the descriptions by typing "ls [word or phrase]". For example, to search for all commands about music, type "ls music".

SYNOPSIS arc [keywords] EXAMPLE arc accessworkspacefactory Searches ArcGIS Developer Online for the given keywords. ArcGIS Developer Online is an online help system for ArcObjects for ArcGIS. ArcGIS is a well-known Geographic Information System (software for viewing maps).
715 uses - Created 2005-06-07 18:37:21 - Last used 2024-11-05 13:42:38 - Description - http://edn.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=search.results&c_2_b=on&sa=2&q=%s

SYNOPSIS dnow [YYYY-MMDD] EXAMPLE dnow 2005-0607 dnow Play the Democracy Now archive from archive.org. Democracy Now is a daily radio and TV news program on over 300 stations, pioneering the largest community media collaboration in the US. Specify a date in YYYY-MMDD format. Or leave out the date for today's show.
39 uses - Created 2005-06-07 18:03:03 - Last used 2023-03-03 13:17:12 - Description - http://yubnub.org/example/dnow?args=%s

Search TorrentSpy.com
22752 uses - Created 2005-06-07 17:55:08 - Last used 2021-05-18 10:09:04 - Description - http://www.torrentspy.com/search.asp?query=%s

Searches Need To Know (http://www.ntk.net/)
27 uses - Created 2005-06-07 17:43:29 - Last used 2023-03-03 13:19:12 - Description - http://www.ntk.net/index.cgi?searchv=%s

Search Sun's Javadoc for Java 1.4.2
23 uses - Created 2005-06-07 17:37:37 - Last used 2009-05-06 04:51:20 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?client=googlet&q=site%3Ajava.sun.com%2Fj2se%2F1.4.2%2Fdocs%2Fapi+%s

Google Search Sun's Javadocs
956 uses - Created 2005-06-07 17:30:35 - Last used 2023-02-20 03:22:44 - Description - http://javadocs.org/%s

Search BD Paradisio (french comics site)
156 uses - Created 2005-06-07 17:13:53 - Last used 2024-05-07 12:36:50 - Description - http://www.bdparadisio.com/scripts/BdP_SearchResults.cfm?SearchedKey=%s

Google Linux Search (google.com/linux)
11084 uses - Created 2005-06-07 16:19:24 - Last used 2024-08-29 23:02:41 - Description - http://www.google.com/linux?q=%s&sourceid=yubnub.org

SYNOPSIS msdn [keywords] EXAMPLE msdn arraylist Searches the Microsoft Developer Network for the given keywords. For more information on query syntax, see http://search.microsoft.com/search/help.aspx?View=msdn ========== Old implementation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdn-online/shared/components/mscomsearch30.aspx?qu=%s
8547 uses - Created 2005-06-07 16:13:46 - Last used 2023-11-10 04:28:34 - Description - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Search/en-us/?query=%s

Make a URL smaller. smallr http://some.url.com/
14 uses - Created 2005-06-07 12:40:49 - Last used 2023-03-03 13:20:27 - Description - http://smallr.com/url/make?url=%s

SYNOPSIS tr FROM TO TEXT EXAMPLES tr en fr hello Translates the given text from the first language to the second language, courtesy of Google Language Tools. The above example translates "hello" from English (en) to French (fr). Not all language combinations are available. Chinese (Simplified) zh-CN English ............ en French ............. fr German ............. de Italian ............ it Japanese ........... ja Korean ............. ko Portuguese ......... pt Spanish ............ es
53178 uses - Created 2005-06-07 06:37:56 - Last used 2024-12-06 04:52:46 - Description - http://yubnub.org/example/tr?args=%s

Text-to-speech demo from AT&T Labs. Sounds amazing. Update: Mark Beutnagel at AT&T asked me if I would disable the direct link, as it is a research demo with limited resources. --Jon
2309 uses - Created 2005-06-07 05:52:24 - Last used 2024-09-09 23:37:49 - Description - http://www.research.att.com/projects/tts/demo.html?%s

SYNOPSIS sd EXAMPLE sd Slashdot is "News for nerds. Stuff that matters."
2160 uses - Created 2005-06-07 03:59:22 - Last used 2024-10-28 05:32:36 - Description - http://slashdot.org

SYNOPSIS gc EXAMPLE gc gc stands for Gmail Compose. Launches Gmail in "Compose Mail" mode.
5515 uses - Created 2005-06-07 03:50:55 - Last used 2023-06-01 23:56:03 - Description - https://mail.google.com/mail/#compose

Bloglines Usage: if used without an argument, goes to the Bloglines homepage, if used with an argument goes to the subscribe page for that url (could be a website with a feed, or a feed). You might have to log in first. Examples: bl bl wired.com bl http://wired.com/feed.xml Stian Haklev, shaklev@gmail.com (thanks for the help guys) (added tweak from b.a.)
22863 uses - Created 2005-06-07 03:41:23 - Last used 2024-08-16 07:43:52 - Description - http://www.bloglines.com/{ifthen -value1 %s -value2 -test NOTEQUAL -then sub/%s -else myblogs}[no url encoding]

Search lyricsdir.com for lyrics ========== Old implementation: http://www.lyricsdir.com/search/?q=%s
1429 uses - Created 2005-06-06 23:56:45 - Last used 2019-05-16 04:48:14 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:www.lyricsdir.com+%s

SYNOPSIS jd [class] EXAMPLE jd String Displays the JavaDoc for the given Java class, courtesy of javadocs.org. ---------- Old implementation: http://javadocs.org/%s
8004 uses - Created 2005-06-06 23:09:38 - Last used 2024-07-01 09:54:11 - Description - http://www.legistar.com/docs2web/s.jsp?q=%s&t=q

Jump to a given LiveJournal user's journal. "lj <username>" "lj <username>/friends/" should also take you to the friends page in question.
6298 uses - Created 2005-06-06 21:37:08 - Last used 2023-09-23 21:32:49 - Description - http://www.livejournal.com/users/%s[no url encoding]

Popular quotations search.
150 uses - Created 2005-06-06 21:01:10 - Last used 2019-08-31 11:32:54 - Description - http://www.quotationspage.com/search.php3?homesearch=%s&startsearch=Search

Search MathWorld. All things mathematical.
1921 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:55:01 - Last used 2024-12-01 18:30:18 - Description - http://mathworld.wolfram.com/search/?query=%s

Google groups search. ---------- Old implementation: http://groups-beta.google.com/groups?hl=en&q=%s&qt_s=Search
5391 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:53:16 - Last used 2023-11-08 20:49:42 - Description - http://groups.google.com/groups/search?q=%s

Search PEAR php archive.
976 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:52:23 - Last used 2024-08-27 17:42:33 - Description - http://pear.php.net/%s

Mererian-Webster dictionary lookup. ---------- Old implementation: http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=%s&x=0&y=0
38129 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:47:53 - Last used 2024-12-22 21:42:55 - Description - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/%s

Python site search (via Google).
20531 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:45:39 - Last used 2024-12-16 00:47:44 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&domains=docs.python.org&sitesearch=docs.python.org&sourceid=google-search&submit=submit

With no parameter, opens GMail, with a parameter, searches GMail for parameter (must be logged in). Examples: gmail - opens GMail gmail world peace - searches GMail for world peace (if logged in) Stian Haklev, shaklev@gmail.com. My first command using eop, thanks Allen, this is awesome!
145528 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:39:07 - Last used 2024-12-21 20:16:34 - Description - https://gmail.google.com/{eop gmail?search=query&q=@%s@&view=tl&fs=1}

Yahoo stock quote.
23050 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:29:23 - Last used 2024-12-20 07:01:41 - Description - http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=%s

Answers.com search definitions, synonyms and much more.
1507 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:27:06 - Last used 2024-08-05 12:39:33 - Description - http://www.answers.com/%s

Ask Jeeves search.
61 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:25:18 - Last used 2021-07-09 09:24:45 - Description - http://web.ask.com/web?q=%s&qsrc=0&o=0

PHP function lookup.
114777 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:24:08 - Last used 2024-12-21 04:54:35 - Description - http://www.php.net/%s

Google froogle price comparison search.
16182 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:22:24 - Last used 2024-09-04 23:16:21 - Description - http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=%s

Google movie times for given zipcode.
4117 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:18:07 - Last used 2024-12-22 18:05:03 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&oi=showtimes&near=%s&q=movie:+movies+%s

Searches Creative Commons-licensed content via Yahoo. Type "cc <search term>". Note that this search includes all CC licenses, from the least restrictive to the most. Always check the specific terms on the content you wish to use. ---------- Old implementation: http://search.yahoo.com/search?&p=%s&cc=true
800 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:14:40 - Last used 2024-12-06 05:18:48 - Description - http://labs.creativecommons.org/demos/search/?q=%s

SYNOPSIS tec [keywords] EXAMPLE tec "great breakfast" Searches blogs for the given keywords, courtesy of the Technorati weblog search engine.
51516 uses - Created 2005-06-06 20:08:53 - Last used 2024-11-16 16:55:30 - Description - http://technorati.com/search/%s?sub=yubnub

Movable Type Main Menu Usage: mt <domain name of the server with Movable Type on it, incl. the www. and the .com or .org or whatever> This only works if you installed the MT cgi stuff in the most standard place (cgi-bin/mt/). Enjoy it anyway.
457 uses - Created 2005-06-06 19:42:57 - Last used 2023-09-07 15:36:54 - Description - http://%s/cgi-bin/mt/mt.cgi

Clusty, the clustering search engine!
592 uses - Created 2005-06-06 14:40:18 - Last used 2020-07-02 13:54:54 - Description - http://clusty.com/search?query=%s

Searches Versiontracker for Mac software
3462 uses - Created 2005-06-06 14:27:11 - Last used 2023-11-14 07:21:35 - Description - http://versiontracker.com/php/search.php?str=%s&plt%5B%5D=macosx&mode=basic&action=search

Flickr image search
31271 uses - Created 2005-06-06 09:59:05 - Last used 2024-10-24 13:26:57 - Description - http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/%s/

SYNOPSIS g [keywords] EXAMPLE g YubNub Performs a Google search using the given keywords.
23014072 uses - Created 2005-06-06 07:29:18 - Last used 2024-12-23 10:28:03 - Description - http://www.google.com/search?q=%s

Google Maps Search. Google Maps has several handy features included within it. To map out a single location, just type the address. Example: gmaps 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI To find businesses or other specific things, simply give the location and business. Example: pizza in Detroit To get directions from one location to another, type both locations. Example: from 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI to 321 Oak Street Dayton, OH
399958 uses - Created 2005-06-06 06:42:23 - Last used 2024-12-23 09:53:53 - Description - http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s

Google Maps Search. Google Maps has several handy features included within it. To map out a single location, just type the address. Example: gmaps 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI To find businesses or other specific things, simply give the location and business. Example: pizza in Detroit To get directions from one location to another, type both locations. Example: from 123 Maple Dr. Detroit, MI to 321 Oak Street Dayton, OH
225050 uses - Created 2005-06-06 06:41:12 - Last used 2024-12-23 10:28:03 - Description - http://maps.google.com/maps?q=%s

Allmusic search using their new API.
24880 uses - Created 2005-06-06 06:39:37 - Last used 2024-11-18 01:35:38 - Description - http://allmusic.com/search/artist/%s

jump directly to smugmug photos tagged with word
28 uses - Created 2005-06-06 05:44:03 - Last used 2014-06-14 15:17:17 - Description - http://www.smugmug.com/keyword/%s

full-text search smugmug for relevant photos, galleries, and users
58 uses - Created 2005-06-06 05:42:52 - Last used 2014-06-14 15:13:12 - Description - http://www.smugmug.com/search/index.mg?searchType=global&searchWords=%s

Jumps to the del.icio.us results for the passed tag.
10191 uses - Created 2005-06-06 05:26:19 - Last used 2024-11-19 16:21:48 - Description - http://del.icio.us/tag/%s

Search guitarnotes.com guitar tab archive. Submitted by voodooc because a) i'll actually use this and b) to make up for the tubgirl command. ^_^
2798 uses - Created 2005-06-06 05:13:54 - Last used 2024-12-19 10:42:11 - Description - http://www.guitarnotes.com/tabs/tabsearch.cgi?query=%s&engine=tabs

Display all current state-specific NWS warnings and watches. Examples: nws ia - Display all NWS warnings and watches for Iowa. nws tx - Display all NWS warnings and watches for Texas. See: National Weather Service Interactive Weather Information Network http://iwin.nws.noaa.gov/
198 uses - Created 2005-06-06 04:43:53 - Last used 2024-01-10 02:33:42 - Description - http://iwin.nws.noaa.gov/iwin/%s/allwarnings.html

View National Weather Service NEXRAD Radar Image Short Range Base Reflectivity Enter <radar site identifier> Note: Use only lower case. Examples: klwx - Sterling, VA (Washington, D.C.) kokx - Upton, NY (New York City, NY) knkx - San Diego, CA ktbw - Tampa Bay Area, FL (Tampa, Sarasota, Fort Myers) See radar site list: National Doppler Radar Sites http://weather.noaa.gov/radar/national.html
182 uses - Created 2005-06-06 04:37:35 - Last used 2020-04-24 11:19:54 - Description - http://www.crh.noaa.gov/radar/latest/DS.p19r0/si.%s.shtml

Search Bookpool for newly published books
285 uses - Created 2005-06-06 04:29:33 - Last used 2024-12-06 12:38:58 - Description - http://www.bookpool.com/ss/1?sb=d&qs=%s

FedEx Track Shipments
3770 uses - Created 2005-06-06 04:25:14 - Last used 2024-12-06 08:44:12 - Description - http://www.fedex.com/Tracking?ascend_header=1&clienttype=dotcom&cntry_code=us&language=english&tracknumbers=%s

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